Delete Customers, Vehicles, Rendered Services
- Groups together multiple rendered services
- make an invoice_id column on a rendered service to set it apart to tell it needs invoiced
- Appointments, etc.
Maybe an archiving service?
Lock forms/ui on submit
Calendar - you cant get back to agenda view
Appointment Services table shouldn't have rendered services link
Move invoice pdf out of public
system time zone seems off - audits are at least off
- Streamline exported data in excel (Customer Name instead of ID on VehiclesExport)
- Setup Email (To/From)
- Setup Backup Storage (Verify the db back works on server, add somewhere to store these backups)
- Setup Task Scheduler
- If only one result is found, you will be redirected to that result, instead of seeing a list of results
- Fields are "loose" which means you could do the last four of a VIN, etc.
Deleting Records
- Soft Deletes
- Hella security
- Auditing on all levels - additions, changes, deleting
- Firewall protection - email notifications
- Email notifications
- stored somewhere?