
A user interface for Laratrust

Primary LanguageBlade

Laratrust User Interface

This package provides a user interface for the santigarcor/laratrust package

Table of Contents

A demo for this package is available below. Please note certain features are disabled on the demo, such as editing and deleting users. The demo database is reset every hour.

Demo URL: http://trusty-demo.icwebapps.com

Demo Username: user@example.com

Demo Password: password

This package requires you have the package santigarcor/laratrust installed on at least version 5.2.*

Begin by running the composer require command from your terminal.

composer require icweb/trusty

If you are using Laravel 5.4 or lower, add the following provider to your config\app.php providers array. Laravel 5.5+ will do this automatically via package discover.


Publish the vendor files by running the vendor:publish command in your terminal

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="trusty"

The following files will be published:

    - trusty.php
    - index.blade.php    
        - trusty.blade.php
        - create.blade.php
        - edit.blade.php
        - index.blade.php
        - show.blade.php
        - create.blade.php
        - edit.blade.php
        - index.blade.php
        - show.blade.php
        - create.blade.php
        - edit.blade.php
        - index.blade.php
        - show.blade.php

You can view all routes created by this package by running the route:list command in your terminal

php artisan route:list
| Method    | URI                                 | Name                       | Action                                                                 | Middleware   |
| GET|HEAD  | trust                               | trusty.index               | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\TrustyController@index               | web,auth     |
| POST      | trust/permissions                   | trusty.permissions.store   | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@store          | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/permissions                   | trusty.permissions.index   | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@index          | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/permissions/create            | trusty.permissions.create  | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@create         | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/permissions/{permission}      | trusty.permissions.show    | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@show           | web,auth     |
| PUT|PATCH | trust/permissions/{permission}      | trusty.permissions.update  | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@update         | web,auth     |
| DELETE    | trust/permissions/{permission}      | trusty.permissions.destroy | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@destroy        | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/permissions/{permission}/edit | trusty.permissions.edit    | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\PermissionsController@edit           | web,auth     |
| POST      | trust/roles                         | trusty.roles.store         | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@store                | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/roles                         | trusty.roles.index         | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@index                | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/roles/create                  | trusty.roles.create        | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@create               | web,auth     |
| PUT|PATCH | trust/roles/{role}                  | trusty.roles.update        | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@update               | web,auth     |
| DELETE    | trust/roles/{role}                  | trusty.roles.destroy       | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@destroy              | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/roles/{role}                  | trusty.roles.show          | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@show                 | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/roles/{role}/edit             | trusty.roles.edit          | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\RolesController@edit                 | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/users                         | trusty.users.index         | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@index                | web,auth     |
| POST      | trust/users                         | trusty.users.store         | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@store                | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/users/create                  | trusty.users.create        | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@create               | web,auth     |
| DELETE    | trust/users/{user}                  | trusty.users.destroy       | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@destroy              | web,auth     |
| PUT|PATCH | trust/users/{user}                  | trusty.users.update        | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@update               | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/users/{user}                  | trusty.users.show          | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@show                 | web,auth     |
| GET|HEAD  | trust/users/{user}/edit             | trusty.users.edit          | Icweb\Trusty\App\Http\Controllers\UsersController@edit                 | web,auth     |

Or you can type in the following URL into your web browser to get started

This package allows you to customize the middleware groups that are applied to the routes. To change the default middleware groups, visit the config/trust.php config file. Out of the box, the web and auth middleware groups are applied.

'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],

Users Index: screely-1562522993648

User Show: screely-1562523001593

User Edit: screely-1562523018730

Roles Index: screely-1562523028116

Role Show: screely-1562523045843

Permissions Index: screely-1562523060466