
Host courses with lessons and lectures, track recertification dates

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Skills Tracker

This project allows you to host courses with lessons and lectures. Skills Tracker will also track the date a course has been completed, and offers the ability to set a "re-certification" date.

Laravel Nova (optional)

This package includes integration with Laravel Nova, however you must purchase your own license, and install the root Nova directory in this project. Laravel Nova integration is optional.


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Clone the project (or download it from GitHub)

git clone https://github.com/icweb/skills

Change into the project directory

cd skills

Install the dependencies

composer install

Create an application environment file

mv .env.example .env

Generate the application key

php artisan key:generate

Update the .env file to reflect your database connection. Don't forget to create a local database named skills


Run the migrations and (optionally) seed the database with demo data

php artisan migrate --seed

Add the Laravel Tasks Scheduler as a cron job on your local server

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Set directory permissions

sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap
sudo chmod -R 777 storage

If you chose to seed the database, you can log into the application with the following credentials

Username: admin@admin.com
Password: secret

Skills uses the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. Update the .env file to reflect your TinyMCE API Key



This section covers the basic hierarchy of the Skills tracker to provide a better understanding when just starting out.

A course can contain many lessons, each lesson can contain main lectures, and each lecture can have many skills. A lecture can be either an Article, Quiz, or Download.

|-- Lesson
|---- Lecture
|------ Skill

An example of a Beginners PHP course would look like this:

Beginners PHP
|-- Loops
|---- How to create a For loop
|------ PHP


A course is the main shell of Skills tracker.

Create Course

  1. Click "Add Course" from the "Courses" page.
  2. Complete all required fields as explained below.
  3. Select the "Save" button to save your changes.

Create Course Fields

Field Required Type Description
Course Title Yes Text The title of the course.
URL Slug Yes Text A unique, URL safe string of letters.
Recertify Interval (in days) Yes Integer The days a user will have to re-take this course. Enter "0" if you don't want the user to re-take this course.
Short Description Yes Text A short description of the course under 250 characters.
Long Description Yes Text A long description of the course under 5000 characters.


  • Add task to look at receritify dates and add new course_user assignment if needed
  • Crossed off lessons should not be displayed is course_user completed_at is null
  • Add support for classroom trainings
  • Add ability for user to choose if a lesson should be deemed "completed" when all lectures are completed, or selected lectures (i.e. Quiz)
  • Add CRUD for Skills


  • Create foreign keys on database
  • Add content to demo data
  • Finish README with all CRUD documentation for Skills, Courses, Lessons, and Lectures
  • Update screenshots on README
  • Comments & Doc Blocks
  • Continue to component-ize blade files


  • Create Lecture slug not calculating correctly
  • Scout shouldBeSearching is being ignoring on App\Lecture
  • Delete question on lecture before lecture save results in an error
  • Completion History accordian not opening