
An Ansible role to install, configure, and schedule AIDE.

MIT LicenseMIT



An Ansible role to install, configure, and schedule AIDE.

Please Note
The default settings will deploy the configuration options that come with a default aide.conf after installing the tool.
This has only been thoroughly tested on Fedora and RHEL7 Operating Systems. Please open issues if you have a problem on your platform.

Role Variables

Variable Name Description Required Default Value Type
aide_pkg Name of the aide package to install. Override with a specific version if required. Yes "aide" string
aide_conf_path Path to the aide configuration file Yes "/etc/aide.conf" string
aide_update_db Whether or not to force an update of the aide database on this Role invocation Yes False boolean
aide_dbdir Directory to create the aide database Yes "/var/lib/aide" string
aide_logdir Directory to create aide logs Yes "/var/log/aide" string
aide_database_filename Filename to create the aide database as. Yes "aide.db.gz" string
aide_database_out_filename Filename to create the updated aide database as Yes "aide.db.new.gz" string
aide_gzip_dbout Whether or not to compress the database output file Yes True boolean
aide_verbose Aide's verbosity level. Valid values are 0-255. Yes 5 integer
aide_report_url List of report URLs No ["file:@@{LOGDIR}/aide.log", "stdout"] list
aide_acl_no_symlink_follow Whether to check ACLs for symlinks or not. Yes True boolean
aide_warn_dead_symlinks Whether to warn about dead symlinks or not. Yes False boolean
aide_summarize_changes Whether to summarize changes in the added, removed and changed files sections of the report or not Yes False boolean
aide_report_attributes list of default rules to report No Undefined list
aide_grouped Whether to group the files in the report by added, removed and changed files or not. Yes False boolean
aide_ignore_list (DEPRECATED, will be removed in a future release). Special group definition that lists attributes whose change is to be ignored in the final report. No [] list
aide_config_version The value of config_version is printed in the report and also printed to the database. This is for informational purposes only. It has no other functionality. No "1" string
aide_cron_schedule_check Whether or not to setup a cron job for running an aide check Yes True boolean
aide_cron_email_notify_recipients List of email recipients to get an email notification after a cronjob. Leave list empty if you do not want this functionality. Yes [] list
aide_call_without_parms Define if the aide command is call without the configuration file (if False aide is call as aide -c aide_conf_path) No True boolean
aide_cronjob_name Comment to insert prior to the cronjob in the crontab Yes "aide scheduled database checkup" string
aide_cron_sched_min Minute to schedule the start of the cronjob at No "0" string
aide_cron_sched_hr Hour to schedule the start of the cronjob at No "1" string
aide_cron_sched_day Day to schedule the start of the cronjob at No "*" string
aide_cron_sched_mon Month to schedule the start of the cronjob at No "*" string
aide_cron_sched_wkd Weekday to schedule the start of the cronjob at No "*" string

Defining and Undefining aide.conf Variables

     - name: "Give it a name"
       variable: "Name_of_Variable"
       value: "Value of the variable"
     - name: "DBDIR var"
       variable: "DBDIR"
       value: "/var/lib/aide"
     - name: "Some var to undefine"
       variable: "Name_of_Variable"  #This would effectively undefine the variable we defined above
     - name: "Undefining DBDIR var"
       variable: "DBDIR"

Defining Rules/Groups, Selection paths, and Ignore/Negative Selection Paths

A YAML spec was built to handle all of these items in a relatively organized way.

Attributes available to a rule

  - name: "My first rule"                                                #Required
    rule: "FIPSR"                                                        #Required
    comment: "Comment to put above this rule declaration"                #Optional
    attributes: []  #List made up of default rules or defined rules      #Required except on special negative rule
    paths:                                                               #Optional
       - "/my/include/path/1"  #Cannot start with '!' see Ignore/Negative Selection Paths
       - "/my/include/path/2"

A Special Rule to handle Ignore/Negative Selection Paths is available

Add a rule to your aide_rules: definition with rule: negative Here's an example, and you can also find an example in this Role's defaults/main.yml:

  - name: "My negative/ignore selections"                                #Required
    rule: "negative"                                                     #Required
    paths:                                                             #Required
       - "/my/ignore/path/1"
       - "/my/ignore/path/2"

Do not include an '!' in front of the paths, the template logic will automatically do this for you.

Scheduled Cron Aide Checks

The default is to setup an 'aide --check' in crontab. Should you wish to change this after already allowing this role to create the cron job, simply switch the variable aide_cron_schedule_check to False. This will remove the cron job from your system's crontab on the next playbook run. One caveat to be aware of is that the aide_cronjob_name variable must match what's currently in the crontab to be removed properly.

Example Playbook

- name: "Install and configure aide"
  hosts: "servers"
     - "ahuffman.aide"



Author Information

Andrew J. Huffman