
Primary LanguageHTML

Java Script code Quiz utilizing HTML, CSS and of course JavaScript.

User Story

Quizzes whether accurate in their measurements or not, have long been used as a benchmark for an individuals ability to recall material that has been presented at some point previous to the assessment. In theory, its should ensure or validate cumulative comprehension of material presented in pervious lessons/sessions.

To meet the acceptance criteria, I have created a "JavaScript fundamentals" quiz that will run in the web browser. When the start button is initiated, it will present with a timer element that counts down by one second intervals but will subtract 5 additional seconds of time when answers are answered incorrectly. At the conclusion of the quiz, you will be able to input your initials to see how you ranked against your earlier attempts or against your peers assuming your score is in the top 3, (because who doesn't love some healthy competition right!). Enjoy...