
Archive for doom emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Doom Emacs Customize Config

Doom Emacs Notes

But before you doom yourself, here are some things you should know:

  1. Don’t forget to run ‘doom sync’, then restart Emacs, after modifying ~/.doom.d/init.el or ~/.doom.d/packages.el.

    This command ensures needed packages are installed, orphaned packages are removed, and your autoloads/cache files are up to date. When in doubt, run ‘doom sync’!

  2. If something goes wrong, run `doom doctor`. It diagnoses common issues with your environment and setup, and may offer clues about what is wrong.
  3. Use ‘doom upgrade’ to update Doom. Doing it any other way will require additional steps. Run ‘doom help upgrade’ to understand those extra steps.
  4. Access Doom’s documentation from within Emacs via ‘SPC h d h’ or ‘C-h d h’ (or ‘M-x doom/help’)

Have fun!