
Digital home of the TU Delft Connected Interaction Kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connected Interaction Kit (2023 Edition)

The Connected Interaction Kit is an educational toolkit that provides an easy and fun gateway to creating technology-mediated experiences in the context of design education. It contains a diverse and adaptable range of tools and components designed to encourage skill development and strengthen the confidence of its users.

Exposé of the Connected Interaction Kit

This repository contains design files and resources required for the production of the kit, as well as tutorials and documentation accompanying the kit.

Online Documentation

A GitHub Page containing tutorials and documentation of the kit's content is available at https://id-studiolab.github.io/Connected-Interaction-Kit/.

The /docs folder in this repository contains the kit's online documentation resources. The folder's contents are automatically compiled and deployed to the URL mentioned above whenever a change occurs.

Kit Production

Everything concerning the production of the kit is documented in the /production_files directory. It is further subdivided into the following categories:

  1. Booklet
    1. Asset Source Files
    2. Ordering Booklets
    3. Digital Publishing
  2. Box Assembly
    1. Material Overview
    2. Box Branding
    3. Box Inlays
    4. WiFi Token QR Code Stickers
    5. Final Assembly