
Some code examples on using Arduino to capture data.

Primary LanguageC++


Some code examples on how to use Arduino as dataloggers


Step 1 - install the libraries

Copy all the files and folder you find in the Arduino_Libraries folder of this repository to your Arduino Libraryes folder, usyally that is inside Documents->Arduino->Libraries

Step 2 Connect your hardware

Please find inside the example folder more information on the specific wiring needed for each code example

Step 3 - update RTC

The kit makes use of the RTC module to keep track of time. To reset time and date follow the guide here

Step 4 - Check out the code examples

Here is a list of the code examples you will find in this repository:


  • How to program the "task cam" to take a picture at regular intervals
  • How to program the "task cam" to trigger the shutter based on a sensors


  • set_time_date how to change the time and date settings of the rtc clock
  • get_time_date how to read time and date from the RTC clock
  • log_temperature_humidity_light How to save some sensor data (temperature, humidity, light) to SD card at regular time intervals
  • log_events How to save datapoints to SD card only when a specific sensor is triggered (eg. movement sensor)


  • use a power bank to power your project
  • try to hide the sensors as much as possible

NB: in case you produce code that you think might be used by other students contribute to this repository and comment by opening issues.