Libraries/Frameworks Used

  • Node.js: Server-side runtime for JavaScript.
  • Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database used for data storage.
  • Multer: Middleware for handling file uploads.
  • Validator: Library for string validation.

API Endpoints

  1. POST /api/registerPatients Description: Register new patients. Request: name: Name of the patient. address: Address of the patient. email: Email of the patient. phone: Phone number of the patient. password: Password for the patient. photo: Photo file (JPEG) of the patient. Response: patient: Created patient object. Error Response: 400 Bad Request: Missing required fields.
  2. GET /api/hospitals Description: Retrieve hospital details. Request: hospitalId: Id of the hospital. Response: hospital: Hospital details. Error Response: 400 Bad Request: Missing hospitalId. Add other API endpoints with details

File Upload

File upload is handled using Multer middleware. The uploaded photo is stored with a filename based on the current date.