
Scripts for AutoHotKey

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the scripts I use for AutoHotKey. The script run by AutoHotKey is a python application that presents the user with a menu. The menu lists the possible Evernote templates. Once the user chooses the template type, that specific template script is called.

Evernote Templates

I have created two templates at this point. The first is a template note is for Green Sheet meetings at work. The second is a simple template for a daily log.

Main Menu

The TemplateChooser.pyw script presents the user with a menu of possible templates to create.


  • Right click on GreenSheetTemplate.ahk and click Run Script
  • Press Win+t to see the menu of possible templates
  • Choose the template by entering the number associated with that template
  • Press enter


  • Evernote
  • AutoHotKeys
  • Python
  • jinja2

Daily Log Evernote Template


  • Export a template note from Evernote as an enex file
  • Change the variables at the top of the script to appropriate values


  • Choose "1. Daily Note" from the menu by entering 1 and press enter
  • The new note will be created in the "Daily Notes" notebook by default can be changed via the evernote_notebook variable


  • Green Sheet Template note stored in "My DocumentsEvernoteTemplates" as DailyNoteTemplate.enex
    • Must remove the <created></created> and <updated></updated> tags (plus their contents) or the note will have the templates creation date

Green Sheet Evernote Template


  • Export a template note from Evernote as an enex file
  • Change the variables at the top of the script to appropriate values


  • Choose "2. Green Sheet Note" from the menu by entering 2 and press enter
  • The new note will be created in the "Inbox" notebook by default can be changed via the evernote_notebook variable


  • Green Sheet Template note stored in "My DocumentsEvernoteTemplates" as GreenSheetTemplate.enex
    • Must remove the <created></created> and <updated></updated> tags (plus their contents) or the note will have the templates creation date