
My VIM configuration

Primary LanguageVim script


First check out the latest version of the .vim files from github (Linux).

git clone git@github.com:idahogray/dotvim.git ~/.vim

or Windows.

git clone git@github.com:idahogray/dotvim.git %HOME%/vimfiles

Install the symlinks so vim will look at these files (Linux).

ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.vimrc

Create an 'autoload' directory under the new .vim directory (Linux).

mdkir .vim/autoload

Create an 'autoload' directory under the new vimrc directory (Windows).

mdkir vimfiles\autoload

Download plug.vim from github and put it in the new 'autoload' directory. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim

Finally, install the plugins by opening vim and running the PlugInstall command.


Install New Plugins

I am using vim-plug to manage my vim plugins. Add a new plugin to the vimrc file.

call plug#begin("~\vimfiles\plugged')
Plug 'cjrh/vim-conda'
call plug#end()

Then run the PlugInstall command in vim.


Update Plugins

Run the PlugUpdate command to update all plugins.


Upgrade vim-plug

Run the PlugUpgrade command to upgrade vim-plug itself.


Remove Plugin

Remove the plugin from the vimrc file and then run PlugClean.




Many of the items in my vimrc file are from a Pycon APAC presentation from Martin Brochhaus