
WebAPI that displays my investments portfolio, I used RESTful principles and built it using the SpringBoot framework.

Primary LanguageJava


In this project I built a WebAPI that shows my investment portfolio, I used RESTful principles and built the project using SpringBoot framework.


In general organize my investment data so i can share statistics on my portfolio for example what percentage each asset makes up from my portfolio, and sort by asset type.

Gain experience with building my own API - create the main entity, working with a database, create enteries for the API and combining working with other APIs ( Yahoo Finance ).


During the project I experimented with the following:

  • experinced working with SpringBoot library and it's features: I created a RESTful Controller and created the different Mapping annotations which made it easier to create new API enteries.

  • experinced with Lombok which is a Java annotation library which helps to reduce boilerplate code.

  • experineced working with Postman - I learned about the differnt HTTP requests, how to add a body to a request, and where to add the necessary values in Postman.

  • I learned about Jackson - an ObjectMapper that knows how to map json input that was passed to it in an HTTP POST request body to a Java object, and then automatically insert it to the database.

  • experinced working with Gradle (Dependencies manager), I added Yahoo Finance API to the pom.xml file, and learned how to interact with it ( RealTimePrice of an asset ) and learned what types of data should the API return ( BigDecimal ).

