
Hands-on Background Services in Android

Hands-on Background Services in Android [Video]

This is the code repository for Hands-on Background Services in Android [Video], published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the video course from start to finish.

About the Video Course

This course helps developers who want to build applications working in the background, by exposing you to using Android Background Service capabilities effectively. Services come out as the best option with backward app compatibility.

You will learn a variety of topics like starting and stopping your service, interacting with the background service and creating and sending a work request, exploring the lifecycle of your service along with understanding the security issues in using it. You will learn to use IntentService, which utilizes a worker or background thread to execute tasks. You will explore what's new in the Background Service in Android Oreo and check out its limitations, and then overcome those limitations. You will then learn best practices and how to deal with problems and issues that might arise

By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundation in background services in Android and will be able to build the function you need to ensure you won't drain the battery excessively, compromise the user's security, consume too much data, or hamper the device's performance.

All the code and supporting materials for this course can be found at- https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-on-Background-Services-in-Android

What You Will Learn

  • Delve into using Android background Service capabilities effectively
  • Get acquainted with the Main UI Thread, Worker or Background Thread, and Process, and understand how they are related to Services and their role in supporting Background Services
  • Perform long-running tasks using background services
  • Use IntentService to execute tasks in your application
  • Pass data to a service and get back results from it
  • Master restrictions in using background services in Android Oreo along with workarounds such as using JobIntentService
  • Explore the lifecycle of your Service
  • Deal with common problems and issues that might arise when using the services in your live project

Instructions and Navigation

Assumed Knowledge

To fully benefit from the coverage included in this course, you will need:
This course targets working Android developers who want to extend their capabilities with background services. Experience with background services will not be required.

Technical Requirements

This course has the following software requirements:

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