This project is a digital re-creation of Codenames, a beloved card game at Flatiron School, London campus. It is created as a project for Mod 4 of our learning.
- This repo is for the client side of this project.
- The repo for backend is on
The app:
- Has a Rails API backend with a separate React frontend.
- Has at least three resources on the backend, and has full CRUD actions for at least one resource.
- Has two different client-side routes.
Codenames is a 2015 card game for 4–8 players designed by Vlaada Chvátil and published by Czech Games. Two teams compete by each having a Spymaster give one word clues which can point to multiple words on the board. The other players on the team attempt to guess their team's words while avoiding the words of the other team. In the 2–3 player variant, one Spymaster gives clues to the other player or players.
In 2016 Codenames won the Spiel des Jahres award for the best board game of the year.
Diogo Costa (@industriousparadigm) and JiaXuan Hon (@idanceinbetween) from Inglorious BA$Hterds (aka 031119 cohort), Flatiron School, London.