
A boilerplate which uses Spring Boot 2 and Gradle


  • Gradle 4 +
  • JDK 8 +


This boilerplate comes bundled with the following features:

  1. Spring Boot Starter Web (version 2.0.4)
  2. Undertow web server, replacing the default Tomcat server
  3. Spring Actuator for health and metrics
  4. Log4j2 for better control over logging
  5. Logbook for logging API requests and responses
  6. YAML based Spring configuration with support for different deployment environment configuration
  7. Different configuration of Log4j2 based on the deployment environment
  8. A filter to assign an unique ID for each API request

How to use?

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/ibipn/spring-boot-gradle-boilerplate.git
cd spring-boot-gradle-boilerplate/
  1. Build the project.
./gradlew bootJar
  1. Run the Spring Boot application.
./gradlew bootRun

If you need to run the application with different deployment environment properties,

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production ./gradlew bootRun

Build and run using Docker

  1. Build the docker image.
docker build \
    --build-arg JAR_FILE=Spring-Boot-Gradle-Boilerplate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -t spring-boot-gradle-boilerplate:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT \
  1. Run the application in docker container.
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 spring-boot-gradle-boilerplate:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
```# spring-boot-gradle-boilerplate-master