- 3neutronstarKorea Institute of Science and Technology
- AmeenAliIsrael
- bilemondInstitute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
- duylebkHCMHCMC University of Technology
- dw-dengweiSCS, BUPT
- Eurekaleo
- fly51flyPRIS
- haofanwangCarnegie Mellon University
- haooszUniversity of Hong Kong
- HashmatShadabAbu Dhabi, UAE
- hithereai
- IceClearNanyang Technological University (NTU)
- idansc
- Ilyastremovsky
- JuanBertaUruguay
- junichishmz
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- LukasStruppekArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab
- lukelivr
- M4xim4lUniversity Tuebingen
- mghasemiEdmonton Police Services
- ninjasaid2k
- okarisokaris
- PDS99
- plyfager
- redredbluee
- sangkilpark-kidmam
- tims-prog
- UPSAtwal@RetailQ
- vesteinnDenmark
- wj7486
- Yoeeeeeeee
- ysm2000
- zengyh1900Shanghai AI Lab
- zhangsdly