Net_Diff is a software for GNSS Download, Positioning and Analysis.
It supports functions of SPP/PPP/DSPP/DPPP/RTK/PPP-RTK, it can also applied in SPP/PPP with BeiDou augmentation information.
It supports data analysis, including coordinate plotting, satellite skyview, satellite number, PDOP, satellite skyview, satellite number, omc, positioning residuals and so on.
It provides IGS data and products download.
It also provides some useful tools such as time and coordinate system transfer, RINEX edit.
Install gzip
Click gzip-1.3.12-1-setup.exe and install gzip. For example, after install it, gzip.exe is under C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\
Instal Net_Diff
a) If you have installed MATLAB or MATLAB Runtime version 9.2 (R2017a) in your computer.
Open /for_redistribution_files_only/ and click Net_Diff.exe
b) If not.
Open /for_redistribution/ and click Net_Diff_Installer_web.exe to install MATLAB Runtime and Net_Diff.exe Please keep your computer connected to internet while installing. It will take a few minutes to download MATLAB Runtime, please be patient. After finish installing, you can find the execute file from the installed program directory, like C:\Program Files\Net_Diff\application\. !!!!!!!If your Windows OS is under C:\, Net_Diff may can’t read and write files under C:\. In this case, it is recommended to copy C:\Program Files\Net_Diff\application\ to other disk.!!!!!!!!!
Complete Full Installation
Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\gzip.exe to the directory of Net_Diff GUI.
As for the use of Net_Diff, please refer to the guide document "A guide to use Net_Diff.pdf".
Source code is under the src branch.
If you have any questions or problems in using Net_Diff, please contact me:
Modify GUI in Analysis panel
Modify RTK fix and hold mode
Change GLONASS satellite number from 24 to 27
Modify ISB model in PPP
Fix bugs of BeiDou PCO
- Fix bugs in GUI
Modify GUI
Change selecting reference satellite method
Change settings in long baseline RTK
Use traditional KF algorithm in long baseline RTK and change some settings
Modify Galileo F/Nav and I/Nav broadcast ephemeris selection
Add GLONASS in RTK float solution
Change default ratio from 3 to 2
Fix bug of static long baseline RTK
- Fix bugs in GUI
Change coordinate variance to 60m, modify outliers detection
Change troposphere constraint in long baseline RTK
- Modify partial AR
- Change settings for long baseline RTK
Change selection of reference satellite in RTK
Improve outlier detection in RTK
Change Galileo max satellite number from 31 to 36
- Modify GUI
Fix bugs in GUI
Add GPS L2C observation
Fix bugs when there are too few satellites while cycle slip in RTK
Support Doppler selection in GUI
- Support RINEX editing in GUI, modify GUI
Support Time and Coordinate Transfer in GUI.
Support command line file input function for Net_Diff.
Fix bugs in static SPP
Fix bugs in GUI
Support multi-GNSS tight combined RTK
Support posfile output available for RTKPLOT.
Support Coordinate.txt appended after Control.txt
Fix bugs in BDS WADS PPP mode
Modify GUI
Fix bug in BeiDou PCO of C13 for gbm
Modify tightly combined RTK
Modify GUI
Support GLONASS AR in tightly or loosely combined RTK
Modify tightly combined RTK
Support Android raw data convert to RINEX
Modify GUI
Fix bugs in non-L1L2 combination when using clock from sp3 file
Fix bugs tightly combined RTK
Fix bugs of single system SPP when ISB setting is true
Fix bugs of SPP for outlier detection
Fix bugs of PCV correction for Galileo and QZSS
Fix bugs of loosely combined GLONASS RTK
Change maximum time difference of RTK to 30s
Modify GUI
Support mix-frequency combination on each satellite system (only available in GUI)
Support mix-observation combination on each satellite system (only available in GUI)
Support PPP-AR (only available in GUI)
Support undifferenced uncombined PPP (only available in GUI)
Add output of ionosphere correction in uncombined PPP
Add phase windup correction in RTK
Reduce matrix size to improve processing efficiency
Changeable cycle slip detection threshold
Fix bug in LAMBDA
Fix bug of Galileo PCO correction
Modify GUI
Support triple-frequency undifferenced uncombined PPP (only available in GUI)
Change ionosphere initial value of undifferenced uncombined PPP
Fix bug of ionosphere correction when frequency combination is L2L3
Fix bug when cycle slip method is only LLI in RTK
Modify GUI
Support PPP-RTK (CLAS) (only available in GUI)
Change output file name for better parallel computing
Change threshold of outlier detection
Fix bug of IRNSS frequency
Modify GUI
Support triple-frequency ionosphere-free PPP (only available in GUI)
Support Android dual-frequency multi-GNSS raw data converted to RINEX
Fix bug of BDS PCO using new atx file in triple frequency PPP
Turn off time restriction of BSX file
Change maximum BeiDou satellite PRN as 37
Fix bug of satellite orbit value in sp3 file is 0.000