
Apache module for deploying web applications in Go

Primary LanguageC


Apache module for deploying web applications in Go


To install this module compile it and install it into Apache's modules directory by running:

$ make
$ sudo make install

Then activate it in Apache's httpd.conf file as follows:

LoadModule go_module modules/mod_go.so
AddHandler golang .go

Then restart Apache via

$ apachectl restart


The following example takes the content of the URL variable "name" and writes the heading "Hello [name]!" to your browser.

package main

import (
	"io/ioutil" )

type voidCloser struct {
func (voidCloser) Close() error { return nil }

func ModGoRequest() (r http.Request) {
	post, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	r.URL, _ = url.ParseRequestURI( "http://"+os.Getenv("HTTP_HOST")+"?"+os.Getenv("QUERY_STRING") )
	r.Method = os.Getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
	r.Header = map[string][]string{
		"Accept-Encoding": {os.Getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING")},
		"Accept-Language": {os.Getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")},
		"Connection": {os.Getenv("HTTP_CONNECTION")},
		"Content-Type": {os.Getenv("CONTENT_TYPE")},
		"Content-Length": {os.Getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")} }
	r.Body = voidCloser{bytes.NewBuffer( post ) }
	return r

func main() {
	var req http.Request = ModGoRequest()

	fmt.Print("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n");
	fmt.Print("<h1>Hello "+req.FormValue("name")+"!</h1>");

Note: To let Go process your GET and POST values. You'll simply need to initialize an http.Request in this way:

type voidCloser struct { io.Reader }
func (voidCloser) Close() error { return nil }
func ModGoRequest() (r http.Request) {
	post, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	r.URL, _ = url.ParseRequestURI( "http://"+os.Getenv("HTTP_HOST")+"?"+os.Getenv("QUERY_STRING") )
	r.Method = os.Getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
	r.Header = map[string][]string{
		"Accept-Encoding": {os.Getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING")},
		"Accept-Language": {os.Getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")},
		"Connection": {os.Getenv("HTTP_CONNECTION")},
		"Content-Type": {os.Getenv("CONTENT_TYPE")},
		"Content-Length": {os.Getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")} }
	r.Body = voidCloser{bytes.NewBuffer( post ) }
	return r

request := ModGoRequest();


MOD_GO is available open-source under the terms of the Apache 2 License.