Developed a command line tool to convert a binary file to XML format. Program was made in C programming language. You can give a sample binary file (“records.dat”) to test your program. This file consists of some information about the employees of a company. Each record has the following attributes and their sizes are given below:
struct record {
char name[64];
char surname[32];
char gender;
char email[32];
char phone_number[16];
char address[32];
char level_of_education[8];
unsigned int income_level;
unsigned int expenditure;
char currency_unit[16];
char currentMood[32];
float height;
unsigned int weight;
<row id=”1”>
<name>James </name>
<address>7 W Cerritos Ave #54</address>
<income_level bigEnd=1798766592>14187</income_level>
<expenditure bigEnd=3758686208>2528</expenditure>
<currentMood> </currentMood>
- GNU Compiler Collection (gcc)
$ Bin2XML % gcc main.c -o Bin2XML
$ Bin2XML % ./Bin2XML <records-source> <output-destination>
macro | description | status |
getting terminal arguments |
Program should be give CLI arguments | ✔️ |
another type output |
Program should be creatable different outputs (pdf,csv) | 🔜 |