2 Hour NextJS Exercise
Create a new repo on github.com and push the exercise once complete Please complete the following without leveraging code interpreter, copilot, etc.. to complete the key parts of the exercise. We want to see your style coming through. Complete the exercise in whatever language you feel most comfortable in Please limit the scope to the ask as much as possible and no more than 2 hours. Reply to the email once complete with the link to the repo within 3 business days. Create a webapp using NextJS that does the following: The main page list the names of users, which come from an API call to a NextJS API route. The data for the users can be seeded from mock data, files, or any other mock. A database is not necessary. The user can click a user to go to a new page which shows that user's detailed profile. The profile information should come from API endpoints that are served from the NextJS app.
User should have an attribute that describes its relationship to other users (think friends) The profile page shows a list of their friends. Each friend can be clicked on to take the user to that profile.