
King James Bible - Grakn Experiment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GAKN.AI - King James Bible Project

This project aims at testing the functionalities of GRAKN.AI

  1. Relations between books, chapters, verses and words
  2. Relations between topics and verses
  3. Cross references (Verses speaking of other verses or refering to)
  4. Relation among people and places
  5. Relation among people
  6. Inferences
  7. CSV imports
  8. JSON imports
  9. Templates
  10. etc.


  1. Use of inference rules (Already working)
  2. Implementation of a basic recommendataion engine
  3. Why not generate inference rules with ML

Ontology migration

the bible.gql file is the original ontology, loaded in the graph. I wanted to experiment and improve the ontology, for it to look like bible-latest.gql but this version of the file, removes plays <role> from the person entity and causes out of memory exceptions. Thus I tried with the bible-updated.gql, which leaves the plays <role> but that too out of memor exceptions

Data parse

Prepares some data for import. To regenerate the files just run

>>> npm install
>>> node index

Import steps

This will be optimized and an import script written. Some of thoses steps could be added in templates.

  1. graql.sh -f ./ontology/bible.gql
  2. graql.sh
  3. >>> insert $x isa bible, has name "King James Version", has short-name "KJV", has language "English", has language-code "en-EN", has publication-year 1611;
  4. >>> commit
  5. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/books.gql -i ./CSV/Books.csv -k grakn
  6. migration.sh json -t ./templates/chapters.gql -i ./JSON/chapters.json -k grakn
  7. >>> match $b isa book, has book-id $bid; $c isa chapter, has book-id $bid;insert (book-role:$b, chapter-role: $c) isa belongs;
  8. >>> commit
  9. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/verses.gql -i ./CSV/Verses.csv -k grakn
  10. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/places.gql -i ./CSV/Places.csv -k grakn
  11. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/people.gql -i ./CSV/People.csv -k grakn
  12. $ migration.sh csv -t ./templates/words.gql -i ./CSV/MainIndex.csv -k grakn
  13. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/topics.gql -i ./CSV/Topics.csv -k grakn
  14. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/topic-relations.gql -i ./CSV/TopicIndex.csv -k grakn
  15. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/place-alias.gql -i ./CSV/PlaceAliases.csv -k grakn
  16. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/people-alias.gql -i ./CSV/PeopleAliases.csv -k grakn
  17. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/book-alias.gql -i ./CSV/BookAliases.csv -k grakn
  18. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/strongs.gql -i ./CSV/Strongs.csv -k grakn
  19. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/strongs-rel.gql -i ./CSV/StrongsIndex.csv -k grakn
  20. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/groups.gql -i ./CSV/groups.csv -k grakn
  21. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/people-to-groups.gql -i ./CSV/PeopleGroups.csv -k grakn
  22. migration.sh json -t ./templates/verse-rel.gql -i ./JSON/verse-relations.json -k grakn
  23. migration.sh csv -t ./templates/people-relations.gql -i ./CSV/PeopleRelationships.csv -k grakn