
WordPress plugin for CollectiveAccess

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Display your CollectiveAccess collections inside your Wordpress website.


Screen captures

Object Detailed View Object Detailed View

Search View Search View

Browse View Browse View

Show large captures

About WP-CollectiveAccess

WP-CollectiveAccess is a wordpress plugin to display collections informations & media from museum or digital archives inside Wordpress, using web services. This plugin is released under GPL v3 license.

idéesculture WP-CollectiveAccess is a project lead by idéesculture, a small french company, involved in CollectiveAccess development through french translation & a dedicated module for Musées de France museums, tiny devs... We provide CollectiveAccess services to museum, tourism offices in France & french-speaking countries.

idéesculture This project was funded by Pro-Memoria, an italian company providing CollectiveAccess services.

About CollectiveAccess

CollectiveAccess is an opensource web-based suite of applications providing a framework for management, description, and discovery of complex digital and physical collections.

CollectiveAccess is a registered trademark by Whirl-i-Gig in the USA. It has been brought by a collaboration between and partner institutions in North America and Europe with projects in 5 continents.

Where to find last version of WP-CollectiveAccess version ?

The plugin has a page on wordpress.org plugins : http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-collectiveaccess/

The wordpress.org is the main channel of distribution, but the developement is made on github.

The github repository stays the main place to have the last-last-last-version at : https://github.com/ideesculture/WP-CollectiveAccess



You need to have php-curl installed and wordpress permalinks option activated.

IMPORTANT : to allow featured image of the posts (aka header picture), you need to install & activate the Wordpress plugin Default featured image and set a default image for the posts. This image will be replaced on each object detailed, whenever an object representation is available.

Get it at : https://wordpress.org/plugins/default-featured-image/

Installing WP-CollectiveAccess

Download WP-CollectiveAccess from github & uncompress it inside wp-content/plugins


  1. Unzip WP-CollectiveAccess.zip inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Adapt configuration through Settings > CollectiveAccess


WP-CollectiveAccess has been tested with Wordpress 3.9, using default theme (aka Twenty Fourteen).

To test this plugin inside a fast-to-deploy setup :

  1. Install WP-CollectiveAccess plugin and activate it
  2. Install wordpress-importer plugin and activate it
  3. (optional) Read this blog post about the sample wordpress data we'll deploy
  4. Download the zip of the XML & the WIE files we will import
  5. Go to Tools -> Import -> Wordpress
  6. Select the file that has the "XML" extension.
  7. Install Widget Importer & Exporter plugin and activate it. It is used to import widgets data similar to original demo.
  8. Go to Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter
  9. Click on “Select file” or similar button there.
  10. Select the file that has the “wie” extension (demos.pixelthemes.com-twentyfourteen-demo-setup-widgets.wie)
  11. Go to Appearance -> Menu section.
  12. In "Select a menu to edit", choose "Testing menu" and click Select
  13. Bottom of the page, tick "Top primary menu" and click Save menu


Project team

  • Our small idéesculture team
  • Promemoria for this project impulsion & funding

Many thanks to...

We would like to cite the following projects whose code, fonts or graphics are included or used by this WP-CollectiveAccess plugin :


= 0.6 =

  • Error message on activation if prerequisite is not satisfied (mod_rewrite, WP version = 3.7+)
  • Slow loading on browse start page
  • Problem on hierarchy view : records not related seemed to be displayed, investigating

= 0.5.1 =

  • Improved linked object : display, with nice thumbnail & a subview

= 0.5 =

  • Customization : page title (for search, browse & detail view) ;
  • Customization : override the default view by a custom view for a single request (post or get $view with a string, for exemple allow to display with an intro the content of a set) ;
  • Customization : through templates via admin settings ;
  • Customization : create customized views inside views/local
  • Customization : page header image through CSS
  • Records displayed : objects, entities, places, events, collections
  • Internationalization & translations : english (default), french (fr_FR), italian (it_IT)
  • TilePic viewer
  • Hierarchy viewer

= 0.4.9 =

  • development phase for 0.5, planned for end of july

= 0.1.2 =

  • expanding views to each part of the plugin

= 0.1.1 =

  • supporting views & subviews for easier customisation (take a look at /views & /views/local)

= 0.1 =

  • first working version