A fast finite volume code designed to run on many architectures, such as GPU, CPU and manycores, using Kokkos.
- Anto6453ENS de lyon
- AstroBrandtGothenburg, Sweden
- astrowq
- bbw7561135Yunnan University
- birnstielLudwig-Maximilians Universität Munich
- drannarosenSan Diego State University
- dutta-alankarIndian Institute of Science
- ErasylTelman
- GiovanniPicognaLMU
- glesurCNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes
- haochenscut
- himax16Princeton
- jeankpf
- meshandmore
- mgugalinoCollege Park, MD
- minkailinASIAA
- neutrinocerosInstitut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
- niranjanaryanDeceptive AI
- pkesteneCEA
- pmoczFlatiron Institute
- rbooth200University of Leeds
- ritwik-ritnov
- S-Yuan137
- sddyatesUniversity of St-Andrews
- smaretGrenoble, France
- tdavidclCRAL/ENS de Lyon
- tpadioleau@Maison-de-la-Simulation
- volodia99
- vrevilleIRAP
- xshaokunShanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS