
Deep-learned metallicity estimation of RR Lyrae-type pulsating stars from their G and Ks light curves

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Estimation of the heavy-element content (metallicity) of fundamental-mode RR Lyrae stars from their light curves in the Gaia G and VISTA Ks wavebands

This is a Python3 library for the metallicity estimation of RR Lyrae stars by deep learning, using the method published by Dekany & Grebel (2022).


Simply use git clone <URL> to clone this library into a local directory. Subsequently, it can be added to your PYTHONPATH environment variable either temporarily by issuing the sys.path.append("/your/local/directory") command in python, or permanantly by exporting your directory into PYTHONPATH. For example, if using the bash shell, add the export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/your/local/directory" to the content of the ~/.bashrc file.

Optionally, extract the gzipped tar archives containing the development and target data sets by issuing the following commands:

cat lc_target_g.tar.gz.* | tar xzvf -

tar xzvf lc_dev_?.tar.gz

tar xvzf lc_target_k.tar.gz


This library was developed and tested in the following python environment:

  • python 3.8.10
  • tensorflow 2.5.0
  • numpy 1.19.5
  • pandas 1.3.0
  • joblib 1.0.1
  • scipy 1.6.3

We suggest to use this library in the same environment, created by a virtual environment manager such as conda.


The program for training and/or deploying the neural network can be run by:

python rrlfeh_nn.py [OPTIONS]

or by supplying a parameter file that contains the command-line arguments:

python rrlfeh_nn.py @<parameter_file>

The full list of command-line options can be printed on the STDOUT by:

python rrlfeh_nn.py --help

Example parameter files gfeh.par and kfeh.par are provided for the G- and Ks-band data and models, respectively. The data and parameter settings in the above files are equivalent to those used in the corresponding paper.

The default settings assume a (multi-) GPU hardware environment. Use the -cpu option to run the program on the CPU, although this is not recommended (slow) for training.


The program reads in a list of photometric time series (light curves) stored in separate files located in subdirectories, specified by the --input_file <filename> and --lcdir <dirname> parameters. The list file must contain a header preceded by a # character, and have at least two fields: id and period, the latter being the corresponding star's pulsation period, and id its identifier. The light curve files for each star id will be looked for as <rootdir>/<lcdir>/<id><suffix>. The suffix can be specified by the --lcfile_suffices parameter, the arguments of which must match those of the --wavebands parameter (in the corresponding paper, single wavebands are used).

The column names to be used can be passed to the program by the --columns <colnames> parameter, and a subset of the data can be selected by specifying a set of criteria on these (meta)data by the --subset <expression> parameter, whose argument must follow the pandas.dataframe.query format (see the example parameter files for examples).

With the --meta_input <colnames> option, one can specify metadata stored in the input list file's columns to be fed into the neural network in a second input layer after its recurrent/convolutional encoder part. Note that an appropriate model must be selected for this, and the original analysis did not use such an architecture.

The light curve files must contain two columns: time and magnitude (brightness). The periodic light curves must be phase-folded and phase-aligned by the first Fourier phase made equal to zero. The lcfit program can be used for preparing further time series in this way for the input of the neural network.


When deployed on a target data set using the --predict option, the program writes out the predicted [Fe/H] metallicity indices to a file specified by the --target_output_file <filename> option.

When the neural network is trained, a set of files are generated in a subdirectory specified by the --outdir parameter, including the checkpoint and/or final weights, the serialized model, performance plots, histograms, etc. A live performance plot liveplot.pdf is generated in the <rootdir> for monitoring purposes, its properties can be modified with the --n_zoom and --n_update options (see the command-line help for more details).

If the --refit option is set, the model is refitted on the entire development data set with the best-performing hyperparameter setting found by cross-validation, yielding a 'monolithic' single final model. Otherwise, a k-fold model ensemble is generated.

Please invoke the built-in documentation by python rrlfeh_nn.py --help for more details/options.
