
IDEN3 smartcontracts

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

IDEN3 Smart Contracts Test

All the contracts are deployed using CreateX contract factories via deployCreate2(salt,initCode) function, so reside on the same addresses across all networks deployed.

The contracts were deployed via TransparentUpgradeableProxy pattern, so they can be upgraded by our team in the future if needed.

Smart contracts with unified addresses

Smart contract Address
State* 0x3C9acB2205Aa72A05F6D77d708b5Cf85FCa3a896
Validator MTP 0x27bDFFCeC5478a648f89764E22fE415486A42Ede
Validator SIG 0x59B347f0D3dd4B98cc2E056Ee6C53ABF14F8581b
Validator V3 0xd179f29d00Cd0E8978eb6eB847CaCF9E2A956336
Universal Verifier 0xfcc86A79fCb057A8e55C6B853dff9479C3cf607c
Identity Tree Store 0x7dF78ED37d0B39Ffb6d4D527Bb1865Bf85B60f81

*The only exception are the State contracts for Polygon Mainnet and Polygon Amoy testnet, which where deployed before the unified address methodology was implemented.

  • Polygon Amoy testnet State Contract: 0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124
  • Polygon PoS mainnet State Contract : 0x624ce98D2d27b20b8f8d521723Df8fC4db71D79D

Libraries on unified addresses

There are a few libraries, which does not tend to evolve much but can be re-used in many other contracts, e.g. custom onchain-identity. They reside on the same addresses across all networks deployed and serve both project needs and as a public good. Obviously, they are not upgradable.

Library Address
SmtLib* 0x682364078e26C1626abD2B95109D2019E241F0F6
PoseidonUnit1L 0xC72D76D7271924a2AD54a19D216640FeA3d138d9
PoseidonUnit2L 0x72F721D9D5f91353B505207C63B56cF3d9447edB
PoseidonUnit3L 0x5Bc89782d5eBF62663Df7Ce5fb4bc7408926A240
PoseidonUnit4L 0x0695cF2c6dfc438a4E40508741888198A6ccacC2


We have deployed contracts across the following mainnets and testnets so far (State contract links below):



Security Audits

  1. Nethermind has performed a security audit of our core smart contracts (State & Smt) and compiled a report on Apr 18, 2023: NM_0069_POLYGON_FINAL.pdf

  2. Nethermind has performed a second security audit of our core smart contracts (State, IdentityBase, GenesisUtils, OnChainIdentity) and compiled a report on Sep 13, 2023: NM0113-FINAL-POLYGONID.pdf

Deployment methodology with CREATE2 and ledger

Note, that this methodology is not what expected to be used by the repository users as its purpose is mainly for our team to deploy and maintain the contracts across many networks in a unified way. However, it can be used as a reference for the deployment process.

The deployment is configured to be done with Ledger device for signing the transactions. You should configure your Ledger device for blind signing in your Ethereum app. If your device is not detected then review USB connection issues here.

Configure a .env file for deployments like this and fill the LEDGER_ACCOUNT with your Ledger account address and the desired network rpc urls where you want to deploy.

LEDGER_ACCOUNT="<your Ledger deployer address>"


PRIVADO_MAIN_RPC_URL=<rpc url for privado main>
PRIVADO_TEST_RPC_URL=<rpc url for privado test>
POLYGON_MAINNET_RPC_URL=<rpc url for polygon mainnet>
POLYGON_AMOY_RPC_URL=<rpc url for polygon amoy>
ETHEREUM_MAINNET_RPC_URL=<rpc url for ethereum mainnet>
ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL=<rpc url for ethereum sepolia>
ZKEVM_MAINNET_RPC_URL=<rpc url for zkevm mainnet>
ZKEVM_CARDONA_RPC_URL=<rpc url for zkevm cardona>
LINEA_MAINNET_RPC_URL=<rpc url for linea mainnet>
LINEA_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL=<rpc url for linea sepolia>

Then run the deployment scripts:

  1. Deploy create2AnchorAddress that we use for unified addresses
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployCreate2AddressAnchor.ts --network <your-network>
  2. Deploy libraries contracts
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployLibraries.ts --network <your-network>
  3. Deploy State contract
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployState.ts --network <your-network>
  4. Deploy Identity Tree Store contract
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployIdentityTreeStore.ts --network <your-network>
  5. Deploy Validators contracts
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployValidators.ts --network <your-network>
  6. Deploy Universal Verifier contract
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy/deployUniversalVerifier.ts --network <your-network>
  7. Add validators to whitelisted validators in Universal Verifier
    npx hardhat run scripts/maintenance/addValidatorsToUniversalVerifier.ts --network <your-network>

Run tests

npx hardhat test

Run tests with gas statistics report:

REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test 

Run tests with gas statistics and costs report:

COINMARKETCAP_KEY=<<your coinmarketcap key>> REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test 

Circuits needed for some maintenance and upgrade scripts

For some of the scripts you need to download the zk circuits for generation and verification of the proofs. Download the zk circuits into ./scripts/upgrade/verifiers/helpers/circuits by running ./scripts/upgrade/verifiers/helpers/dl_circuits.sh. This will download the latest files from https://iden3-circuits-bucket.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest.zip

cd ./scripts/upgrade/verifiers/helpers 

Other Hardhat commands

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help

Publish contracts to npm

cd contracts
npm publish


This repository is part of the iden3 project copyright 2023 0KIMS Association and published under GPL-3.0 license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.