
Export Tweets from Twitter into JSON file then publish as a Graph objects in Neo4j DB

Primary LanguagePython


General usage

This repository contains three Python scripts:

  • archive.py

    This script allows to search Twitter for a particular conference hashtag and to return all the resulting tweets in a JSON file

  • graphify.py

    This script takes a JSON file containing Tweets and to transform them to graph oriented object representing another view of the timeline of Tweets, Retweets, Quote, Hashtag, and Handles. In case of Retweet/Quote/Reply, this script will also drills for original tweet even if outside the scope of the file.

  • stream.py

    This script allows to search Twitter for a particular conference hashtag and to transform them to graph oriented object representing another view of the timeline of Tweets, Retweets, Quote, Hashtag, and Handles. In case of Retweet/Quote/Reply, this script will also drills for original tweet even if outside the scope of the search filter.


In order to use those scripts you must have:

  • Python

    • 2.7: All not in the Python 3.X list below
    • 3.7: For graphify.py, archive.py
  • Pip installed

  • Python packages installed:

    • tweepy
    • json
    • time
    • configparser
    • argparse
    • py2neo
    • asyncio
      • requires Python 3.X to work
  • Neo4j Db installed, configured, and ready for connection

    I won't detail here how to do this part, there are plenty of good tutorials on the Web


This script can be used as follow:

usage: archive.py [-h] {file,line} ...

Export tweets that match the search query

positional arguments:
  {file,line}  Add configuration from Ini file or through arguments
    file       Adding configuration from a file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)
    line       Adding configuration from a arguments in the command line

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

The file subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: stream.py file [-h] [-i INI_FILE]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INI_FILE, --ini_file INI_FILE
                        Path to the Ini file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)

The line subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: stream.py line [-h] -s SEARCH -ck CONSUMER_KEY -cs CONSUMER_SECRET -ak
                      [-b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        Twitter search filter
  -ck CONSUMER_KEY, --consumer_key CONSUMER_KEY
                        Twitter consumer key obtained from your Twitter account
  -cs CONSUMER_SECRET, --consumer_secret CONSUMER_SECRET
                        Twitter consumer secret obtained from your Twitter account
  -ak ACCESS_KEY, --access_key ACCESS_KEY
                        Twitter access key obtained from your Twitter account
  -as ACCESS_SECRET, --access_secret ACCESS_SECRET
                        Twitter access_secret obtained from your Twitter account
                        Name of the results output file
  -b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME, --backup_ini_file_name BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME
                        Name of the Ini file to backup from this request parameters


This script can be used as follow:

usage: graphify.py [-h] {file,line} ...

Import tweets in a Graph DB

positional arguments:
  {file,line}  Add configuration from Ini file or through arguments
    file       Adding configuration from a file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)
    line       Adding configuration from a arguments in the command line

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

The file subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: graphify.py file [-h] [-i INI_FILE]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INI_FILE, --ini_file INI_FILE
                        Path to the Ini file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)

The line subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: graphify.py line [-h] [-type DB_TYPE] [-proto PROTOCOL]
                        [-lang LANGUAGE] [-server SERVER_NAME]
                        [-port SERVER_PORT] -pwd DB_PASSWORD [-set RESULT_SET]
                        -name CONFERENCE_NAME -loc CONFERENCE_LOCATION -time
                        CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE -start CONFERENCE_START_DATE -end
                        CONFERENCE_END_DATE [-purge PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT]
                        [-fname FILTER_ORGANIZER_TWITTER_SCREENAME]
                        [-fhash FILTER_CONFERENCE_HASHTAG]
                        [-b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -type DB_TYPE, --db_type DB_TYPE
                        For future use: indicate db type
  -proto PROTOCOL, --protocol PROTOCOL
                        For future use: indicate protocol to connect to db
  -lang LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        For future use: indicate language to query the db
  -sec SECURE, --secure SECURE
                        Flag for secure connection
  -server SERVER_NAME, --server_name SERVER_NAME
                        FQDN of the db server
  -port SERVER_PORT, --server_port SERVER_PORT
                        server socket hosting the db service
  -pwd DB_PASSWORD, --db_password DB_PASSWORD
                        service password to access the db
  -set RESULT_SET, --result_set RESULT_SET
                        Result set file from streaming script (Default: Output/search.json)
  -name CONFERENCE_NAME, --conference_name CONFERENCE_NAME
                        Name of the conference for the master node
                        Location of the conference for the master node
  -time CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE, --conference_time_zone CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE
                        Number of (+/-) hours from UTC reference of the conference's timezone
  -start CONFERENCE_START_DATE, --conference_start_date CONFERENCE_START_DATE
                        First day of the conference in dd/mm/yyyy format
  -end CONFERENCE_END_DATE, --conference_end_date CONFERENCE_END_DATE
                        Last day of the conference in dd/mm/yyyy format
  -purge PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT, --purge_before_import PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT
                        Indicate if the graph must be deleted before importing (Default: false)
                        Twitter screename that helps to filter out organizer tweets and retweets
                        Hashtag of the conference
  -b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME, --backup_ini_file_name BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME
                        Name of the Ini file to backup from this request parameters


This script can be used as follow:

usage: stream.py [-h] {file,line} ...

Export tweets that match the search query

positional arguments:
  {file,line}  Add configuration from Ini file or through arguments
    file       Adding configuration from a file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)
    line       Adding configuration from a arguments in the command line

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

The file subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: stream.py file [-h] [-i INI_FILE]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INI_FILE, --ini_file INI_FILE
                        Path to the Ini file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)

The line subcommand supports the following syntax:

usage: stream.py file [-h] [-i INI_FILE]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INI_FILE, --ini_file INI_FILE
                        Path to the Ini file (Default: Ini/Default.ini)

(base) C:\Users\User\Documents\Git\Work\ConferenceTweetMapper>python stream.py line -h
usage: stream.py line [-h] -s SEARCH -ck CONSUMER_KEY -cs CONSUMER_SECRET -ak
                      [-type DB_TYPE] [-proto PROTOCOL] [-lang LANGUAGE]
                      [-server SERVER_NAME] [-port SERVER_PORT] -pwd
                      DB_PASSWORD [-set RESULT_SET] -name CONFERENCE_NAME -loc
                      CONFERENCE_LOCATION -time CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE -start
                      [-purge PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT]
                      [-fname FILTER_ORGANIZER_TWITTER_SCREENAME]
                      [-fhash FILTER_CONFERENCE_HASHTAG]
                      [-b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        Twitter search filter
  -ck CONSUMER_KEY, --consumer_key CONSUMER_KEY
                        Twitter consumer key obtained from your Twitter account
  -cs CONSUMER_SECRET, --consumer_secret CONSUMER_SECRET
                        Twitter consumer secret obtained from your Twitter account
  -ak ACCESS_KEY, --access_key ACCESS_KEY
                        Twitter access key obtained from your Twitter account
  -as ACCESS_SECRET, --access_secret ACCESS_SECRET
                        Twitter access_secret obtained from your Twitter account
                        Name of the results output file
  -type DB_TYPE, --db_type DB_TYPE
                        For future use: indicate db type
  -proto PROTOCOL, --protocol PROTOCOL
                        For future use: indicate protocol to connect to db
  -lang LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        For future use: indicate language to query the db
  -sec SECURE, --secure SECURE
                        Flag for secure connection
  -server SERVER_NAME, --server_name SERVER_NAME
                        FQDN of the db server
  -port SERVER_PORT, --server_port SERVER_PORT
                        server socket hosting the db service
  -pwd DB_PASSWORD, --db_password DB_PASSWORD
                        service password to access the db
  -set RESULT_SET, --result_set RESULT_SET
                        Result set file from streaming script (Default: Output/search.json)
  -name CONFERENCE_NAME, --conference_name CONFERENCE_NAME
                        Name of the conference for the master node
                        Location of the conference for the master node
  -time CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE, --conference_time_zone CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE
                        Number of (+/-) hours from UTC reference of the conference's timezone
  -start CONFERENCE_START_DATE, --conference_start_date CONFERENCE_START_DATE
                        First day of the conference in dd/mm/yyyy format
  -end CONFERENCE_END_DATE, --conference_end_date CONFERENCE_END_DATE
                        Last day of the conference in dd/mm/yyyy format
  -purge PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT, --purge_before_import PURGE_BEFORE_IMPORT
                        Indicate if the graph must be deleted before importing (Default: false)
                        Twitter screename that helps to filter out organizer tweets and retweets
                        Hashtag of the conference
  -b BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME, --backup_ini_file_name BACKUP_INI_FILE_NAME
                        Name of the Ini file to backup from this request parameters

Ini file example

In the Ini folder you should find a Default.ini file describing the format expected for a global Ini file:

#Default initialization filter
#All dates shall be in format dd/mm/yyyy

output_filename = Output/search.json
search = #Identiverse

consumer_key = <your_consumer_key>
consumer_secret = <your_consumer_secret>
access_key = <your_access_key>
access_secret = <your_access_secret>

db_type = Neo4j
protocol = bolt
language = cypher
server_name = localhost
server_port = 7687
db_password = Identiverse

result_set = Output/search.json
conference_name = Identiverse 2018
conference_location = Boston
conference_time_zone = -4
conference_start_date = 24/06/2018
conference_end_date = 27/06/2018

purge_before_import = false
filter_organizer_twitter_screename = Identiverse
filter_conference_hashtag = Identiverse

General limitations and advices

Using those scripts, you understand that:

  • Having two scripts allows to separate the two operations independently
  • Scripts do not check for file existence at the time of exporting (results and configuration), so be careful if you don't want one to be overwritten
  • Twitter search public API will not return unindexed results, some results older than 7 days, or maybe all the results you may get by using the UI version of it
  • stream.py search filter aims has been designed to target conference hashtag... but it is a standard Twitter search filter supporting all the options Twitter allows
  • graphify.py does only support Neo4j, bolt protocol, and cipher language as for now

Example of the result

If successful you should be able to use Neo4j tools to visualize and drill your Tweet Graph: Tweet Graph

Example of the drilling of a Retweet/Quote/Reply: Drilling

Here are some interesting Cipher request examples


  • Generates statistics (1rst level Tweeters, 1rst level Tweets, engaged Twitters, engaged Tweets, etc.)
  • Follow RT, Reply, Quote up and down a la treeverse <- Partially solved, will need script Expand
  • Script Redox: Merge similar RT into only one RT-Tweet
  • Script Expand: Import all the retweets by retweets_of_status_id and replies by in_reply_to_status_id Prenium Search parameters
  • Script Append: Continue an import or update an import with a list of tweets. Look before if tweet is alredy imported or not.
  • Switch script function to Async https://www.aeracode.org/2018/02/19/python-async-simplified/
  • Think about KPIs: Tweet rate, Top for User/Tweet/Hashtag/Mention (see Generates statistics)
  • WebUI to see Graph online
  • Update logging to console to be more dynamic
  • Better date management
  • Change the Post and Pre conference period id to something speciifc to the conference upload to prevent cross mapping
  • Change the Days of conference period id to something speciifc to the conference upload to prevent cross mapping
  • Correct name attribue of object Source to remove href