
Simple node BAM implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bidirectional associative memory (BAM)

A BAM implementation using node.js


Make sure you have NodeJS installed in your machine. See package.json for the specific runtime version used in this project. Version v4.0.0 or higher will do.

Install npm packages

To install the dependencies required in this project one must use npm for dependency retrieval, you can easily do this by navigation to the directory where package.json lies and issue the following command. npm is automatically installed upon installation of Node.js.

npm install

To run the tests

In this project we used mocha for unit tests. To run the tests issue the command seen below.



Some build tasks for easier development are included in this project, grunt was used for this. Some grunt commands used are watch, scripts, eshint.

Run the test program

We have created a test program for the purpose of word normalization. To run this program issue the command node word-normalizer.js. This uses a csv input to build the BAM and then issues a set of recall.