
Code for NY office visitor website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IDEO NY Visitors Website

Code for IDEO NY's visitors website deployed here.


This repository houses two separate Javascript / Node.js codebases in one:

  • ./frontend: A PWA created using Create React App
  • ./backend: A Strapi application using a Postgres database.
  • pm2 is used to monitor and manage the Strapi's node.js process. pm2 uses configuration found at ecosystem.config.js. This file is .gitignored by default but an ecosystem.config.js.example is checked-in. Copy this file and fill it with the appropriate values. For questions, contact the maintainer. (Refer to the bottom of this document)
  • An nginx server is used to provide reverse proxy for the backend application, as well as to performantly serve the frontend assets.
  • certbot is used to generate SSL certificates and refirect all http requests to https
  • OAuth is used to authenticate visitors with their IDEO G-Suite credentials and allow them access to employees-only information. For OAuth and Strapi configuration please see this document.


This website is hosted on an AWS EC2 instance. The postgres database is also hosted on AWS RDS. Credentials for this AWS account exist in IDEO NY's 1Password account. For access, please file a ticket to support@ideo.com

This website does NOT use CI/CD. For deployments follow these steps:

  • ssh into the ec2 instance (refer to above paragraph for access credentials)
  • Once connected, cd ~/NY-Visitors-Website
  • git branch and make sure you're on the production branch
  • git pull
  • If you have introduced new dependencies, cd into the appropriate directory (backend or frontend and run yarn (preferred) or npm install (also cool).
  • Any changes to the backend code will automatically trigger a restart by pm2 which is monitoring backend files for changes. After pulling in the changes, run pm2 ls to monitor the status of the backend Strapi application, and pm2 logs to view the logs.
  • If you have introduced changes to the frontend code, cd into frontend directory, install new dependencies if any (see above), run yarn build and then cp -r build/* /var/www/ny-visitors.ideo.com/html/ to copy over the built assets to the proper directory where nginx serves these files to clients.
  • The nginx configuration file used in this deployment exists at the root of this repo, called default. It should give you a pretty good idea of this setup.

Mainenance & Bug reports

For bug reports and feature requests please contact the maintainer of this project at mnilchiani@ideo.com