
Browse a folder containing multiple streamlit apps and launch them immediately

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Streamlit Launchpad

Web launchpad to browse a folder containing multiple Streamlit applications (py files), with a central launchpad listing available apps so you can run them (if not already running) and view each in its own tab.

This is a very basic alpha version. Windows is now supported. For Windows, torando >= 6.1 is required

Install and Run

Install using pip.

pip install streamlit-launchpad

Serves *.py as separate Streamlit applications from the folder supplied on the command line:

streamlit-launchpad ./examples

Then go to http://localhost:8888/ in your browser:

Launchpad screenshot

To run on a different port use:

streamlit-launchpad --port 8000 ./examples

To provide a title (default is "Streamlit Apps"):

streamlit-launchpad --title="My Title" ./examples

Development install

git clone https://github.com/ideonate/streamlit-launchpad.git
cd streamlit-launchpad

pip install -e .

streamlit-launchpad ./examples

To run directly in python: python -m launchpad.main ./examples/