Bringing the Web's Responsive Design to React Native
- 1
Support typescript?
#42 opened by gigaiis - 1
diffrent sizes grid doesn't work good
#43 opened by IcarusFal - 2
web support
#37 opened by soundyogi - 9
Feature request: variable sizes
#32 opened by peacechen - 1
Is ImageBackground supported?
#38 opened by wilmoore - 10
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- 2
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- 6
- 10
Infinite scrolling and other questions
#15 opened by jdnichollsc - 5
Bringing Pseudo Elements to RN
#30 opened by idibidiart - 6
setScreenInfo() recalculates unnecessarily
#26 opened by peacechen - 21
- 1
Topic typo: univcersal -> universal
#19 opened by jean - 1
Parameterize cutoff points
#20 opened by peacechen - 1
'Hidden' props not working
#21 opened by peacechen - 5
'rtl' prop causes children to disappear
#22 opened by peacechen - 2
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Column heights and row widths
#17 opened by smooJitter - 2
Question not an issue
#16 opened by smooJitter - 9
Row.js update a mounted or mounting component
#4 opened by luosong - 1
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crashes expo with simple example
#8 opened by Morriz - 1
Usage example
#7 opened by srameshr - 1
vAlign for Row contains wrong enums
#11 opened by pratomchaip - 6
How to handle Font Scaling
#2 opened by shukerullah - 5
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Unable to resolve module `prop-types`
#3 opened by shukerullah - 3
Not working in FlatList
#1 opened by shukerullah