Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm

Project developed for the IF14Y010 class in 2021-2022 academic year in Université de Paris


This project is developed by Oracle Java SE 17.0.2 and Gradle 7.3

Due to JEP 403 please add following JVM variables when building with Gradle:

jdk.compiler/ \
jdk.compiler/ \
jdk.compiler/ \
jdk.compiler/ \

You can also use LINT-BUILD-AND-RUN run configuration if you're using IntelliJ as IDE.

File structure

This project composed by two modules:

  • core: contains the source code and logic of the ACO
  • gui: contains the source code and logic of graphical user interface (GUI).

A more detailed readme can be found under the each module's folder.


To build all modules:

gradle build

IMPORTANT: We're using Spotless with Google Java Format code conventions as Linter. Sometimes the build can fail due to lint issues.

To fix all linter errors:

gradle spotlessApply