8/23/22: PLAYHYDRA has been archived
Blocked and unblocked 1 time so far!
- just a basic games site for mms students
- proof this is the real deal and not a cheap clone
- popular for some reason
- star before forking pls or i will steal your mac + chese
send us an email, create an issue with your request, or, if you know how to code, check out this guide for contributors.
ngl these will probably never happen because i have lost all motivation to work on playhydra
- learn to fly 1, 2, 3
- fnaf 4
- totally accurate battle simulator (probably not possible)
- justfall.lol
- slope 2?? (don't think this exists)
- csgo case clicker
- basketball stars
- snake
- minecraft (probably a terrible ripoff version)
- space invaders
- minesweeper
- candy jump