
Bennett, J.M., Steets, J.A., Burns, J.H. et al. Land use and pollinator dependency drives global patterns of pollen limitation in the Anthropocene. Nat Commun 11, 3999 (2020).

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains the R scripts and data used for performing the analysis in:

Bennett, J.M., J. A. Steets, J. H. Burns, L. A. Burkle, J. C. Vamosi, M. Wolowski, G. Arceo-Gómez, M. Burd, W. Durka, A. G. Ellis, L. Freitas, J. Li, J. G. Rodger, V. Stefan, J. Xia, T. M. Knight, and T-L. Ashman. Land use and pollinator dependency drives global patterns of pollen limitation in the Anthropocene. Nat Commun 11, 3999 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17751-y

Link to paper here.

How to use this repository

You can download or clone the repository then run the scripts using the pollen-limitation-land-use.Rproj file (R and R Studio are needed).

For cloning, run this in a terminal (git should be installed):

git clone https://github.com/idiv-biodiversity/pollen-limitation-land-use.git

Check also the readme file in the analysis folder with details about the scripts.

For inquiries about the phylogenetic mixed effects meta-analysis, please contact the corresponding author J. M. Bennett - joanne.bennett@canberra.edu.au