Printing Shapes

  • Objective - To create a shape-printer using console.log.
  • Purpose - To establish familiarity with basic Javascript.
  • Description
    • You are provided with a file located at ./assets/js/shapes.js
    • Edit the file by defining each of the respective function-stubs.
    • The objective is to create a program which will return Strings representative of particular shapes with dimensions dependent on user-input.

Part 1 - Clone the project

  • Begin by forking this project into a personal repository.
    • To do this, click the Fork button located at the top right of this page.
  • Navigate to your github profile to find the newly forked repository.
  • Clone the repository from your account into the ~/dev directory.
  • Open the newly cloned project in a code editor (Visual Studio Code, for example).

Part 2 - Printing line

  • Complete definition of the getLine function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should ask user to input lengthprint a solid line of the requested length using asterisks.
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input length: 7


Part 3 - Printing box

  • Finish defining the getBox function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should ask user to input width and height and prints a solid rectangular box of the requested size using asterisks.
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input width: 7
Input height: 4


Part 4 - Checkerboard

  • Finish defining the getCheckerboard function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should ask user to input width and height and prints a rectangular checkerboard of the requested size using asterisks and spaces (alternating)
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input width: 11
Input height: 6

* * * * * *
 * * * * * 
* * * * * *
 * * * * *
* * * * * *
 * * * * *

Part 5 - Cross

  • Finish defining the getCross function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should require input for a length, and print a diagonal cross of that dimension.
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input length: 8

*      *
 *    *
  *  *
  *  *
 *    *
*      *

Part 6 - Lower Triangle

  • Finish defining the getLowerTriangle function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should require input for a length, and print the bottom-left half of a square, given the side length.
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input length: 6


Part 7 - Upper Triangle

  • Finish defining the getUpperTriangle function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.
    • The function should require input for a length, and print the top-right half of a square, given the side length.
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Input length: 5


Part 8 - Upside Down Trapezoid

  • Finish defining the getUpsideDownTrapezoid function-stub located in ./assets/js/shapes.js.

    • The function should require input for a widthand height, and print an upside-down trapezoid of given width and height.
    • If the input height is impossibly large for the given width, then the program should report, Impossible shape!
  • Test the function by calling it from ./assets/js/header-functions.js, then opening the insepctor-tool on the ./index.html document.


Example 1:
Input width: 12
Input height: 5

Example 2:
Input width: 12
Input height: 7

Impossible shape!