
Generate an Express server for MiniProgram

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-express-miniprogram NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

Generate an Express server for MiniProgram

Generator quickly create web server for MiniProgram, using ES6, Express, Mysql, Sequelize.

DB init dependencies knexjs, models init dependencies sequelize-auto.


First, install Yeoman and generator-express-miniprogram using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-express-miniprogram

Then generate your new project:

yo express-miniprogram

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.


You will get a MVC directory structure

│  ├─www   
│  ├─dev.js  
│  ├─index.js  
│  ├─prod.js  
│  ├─index.js  
│  ├─upload.js  
│  ├─user.js  
│  ├─cos.js  
│  ├─weixin.js  
│  ├─index.js              
│  ├─favicon.ico  
│  ├─css/  
│  │  ├─style.css    
│  └─img/  
│     └─image.png  
│  ├─api.js  
│  ├─index.js  
│  ├─controllerTpl.js    
│  ├─db.sql
│  ├─initapi.js    
│  ├─initdb.js  



port: '3000',
// Domain that cookie used, for example: .idleb.cn
domain: '',

// MiniProgram App ID
appId: '',

// MiniProgram App Secret
appSecret: '',

// MiniProgram App ID
openAppId: '',

// MiniProgram App Secret
openAppSecret: '',

// MySQL Config
mysql: {
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 3306,
  user: 'root',
  db: '',
  pass: '',
  char: 'utf8mb4',
  log: console.log // or false

// hostname, for example: http://example.idleb.com
host: '',
// cookie secret
secret: ''

If you choose use COS

// 腾讯云相关配置可以查看云 API 秘钥控制台:https://console.cloud.tencent.com/capi
qcloudAppId: '',
qcloudSecretId: '',
qcloudSecretKey: '',
cos: {
   * 区域
   * 华北:cn-north
   * 华东:cn-east
   * 华南:cn-south
   * 西南:cn-southwest
   * 新加坡:sg
   * @see https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/6224
  region: 'cn-north',
  // CDN, ture 返回为 CDN 地址
  cdn: true,
  // Bucket 名称前缀, Bucket 命名格式: 前缀+文件类型
  prefix: ''


# for start server
npm run start
# for init mysql and create models
npm run initdb
# for init routes and create controllers
npm run initapi
# for eslint
npm run eslint
# for test, unit test use chai+mocha
npm run test
# for pm2 start, use process.prod.json
npm run pm2

initdb -- create tables with db.sql and generate models, model will overwrite initapi -- initialized routes and generate controllers with models, controllers will not overwrite


MIT © idleb