
Atom Build provider for Apple's Open Scripting Architecture, runs or compiles AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation (JXA)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


apm apm apm CircleCI David

Atom Build provider for Apple's Open Scripting Architecture, runs or compiles AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation (JXA)



Install build-osa from Atom's Package Manager or the command-line equivalent:

$ apm install build-osa

Using Git

Change to your Atom packages directory:

Change to your Atom packages directory:


# Powershell
$ cd $Env:USERPROFILE\.atom\packages
:: Command Prompt
$ cd %USERPROFILE%\.atom\packages

Linux & macOS

$ cd ~/.atom/packages/

Clone repository as build-osa:

$ git clone https://github.com/idleberg/atom-build-osa build-osa

Inside the cloned directory, install Node dependencies:

$ yarn || npm install

You should now be setup to build the package:

$ yarn build || npm run build



Before you can build, select an active target with your preferred build option.

Available targets:

  • AppleScript: Compile Application
  • AppleScript: Compile Script
  • AppleScript: Compile Script bundle
  • AppleScript: Run Script
  • JXA: Compile Application
  • JXA: Compile Script
  • JXA: Compile Script bundle
  • JXA: Run Script


Here's a reminder of the default shortcuts you can use with this package:

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Alt+Cmd+T / F7 Choose target
Alt+Cmd+V / F8 Toggle build panel
Alt+Cmd+B / F9 Build script


This work is licensed under the The MIT License.