
Runs JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, and LiveScript directly in Atom

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


apm apm apm CircleCI David

Evaluates JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript directly in Atom. A fork of Roben Kleene's run-in-atom package.

See it in action!




Install evaluate from Atom's Package Manager or the command-line equivalent:

$ apm install evaluate

Using Git

Change to your Atom packages directory:

# Windows
$ cd %USERPROFILE%\.atom\packages

# Linux & macOS
$ cd ~/.atom/packages/

Clone the repository as evaluate:

$ git clone https://github.com/idleberg/atom-evaluate evaluate


To evaluate code, run the command from the context-menu, the command palette or using the Cmd+Alt+R shortcut. You can evaluate entire files or selections (Note that code will be evaluated in the order it has been selected!)


This work is licensed under the The MIT License.