
Snippets for a variety of SVG icons

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


apm apm apm CI

Atom snippets for a variety of SVG icons (see details).

This package is also available for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code


See it in action (theme is Hopscotch)



  • Install package apm install svg-icons (or use the GUI)

Using Git

  1. Change directory cd ~/.atom/packages/
  2. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/idleberg/atom-svg-icons svg-icons


Snippets are limited to the .text.html and .source.js.jsx, .source.ts, .source.tsx scope. Typing the class name of an icon using the designated prefix will complete to a SVG tag for the icon.


Prefix SVG Icons Version
bi Bytesize Icons 1.4
ei Evil Icons 1.8.0
feather Feather 4.24.0
octicon GitHub Octicons 6.0.1
oi Open Iconic 1.1.0
se Speakemoji 1.0
si SmartIcons Glyphs 1.1
tabler Tabler Icons 1.30.0
teenyicons Teenyicons 0.4.0


This work is licensed under the The MIT License.