nsL Assembler for Visual Studio Code
Snippets for Haskell NSIS
Extension Marketplace
Launch Quick Open, paste the following command, and press Enter
ext install haskell-nsis
Packaged Extension
Download the package extension from the the release page and install it from the command-line:
$ code --install-extension haskell-nsis-*.vsix
Alternatively, you can download the packaged extension from the Open VSX Registry or install it using the ovsx
command-line tool:
$ ovsx get idleberg.haskell-nsis
Clone Repository
Change to your Visual Studio Code extensions directory:
# Windows Powershell
cd $Env:USERPROFILES\.vscode\extensions
# Windows Command Prompt
$ cd %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
# Linux & macOS
$ cd ~/.vscode/extensions/
Clone repository as haskell-nsis
$ git clone https://github.com/idleberg/vscode-haskell-nsis haskell-nsis
This work is dual-licensed under The MIT License and the GNU General Public License, version 2.0