CAUTION: the application is currently not maintained anymore and the installation seems to fail on recent YunoHost version (see #8 and #9). Feel free to contribute!
MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run.
Shipped version: 0.9.0
The supported and activated Media types are:
- image
- video
- audio
- pdf - if you want support for converting libreoffice supported documents as well, you will have to install unoconv and libreoffice.
The transcoding is done in a separate thread thanks to Celery.
The authentication is transparently managed by SSOwat which is made available in GNU MediaGoblin by the ynhauth beta plugin and some patches to the source code.
It is also possible to enable registration using basic_auth plugin too which will rely on the MediaGoblin internal authentication - and not YunoHost one. Both authentication mechanism will be available in that case. Please note that YunoHost users will have to log in through the SSO and not the MediaGoblin login page.
From the command-line:
$ sudo yunohost app install
From the Web administration:
- Go to Applications
- Click on Install
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and put under Install custom app
- Add backup/restore scripts