
Primary LanguageRuby

long post support

can be splitted into many micro post

can combine as one post when show

markdown support

can show convosation

tag management

my tags (linux)

manage similar tags(linux -> debian, gnome, debian_cn)

tag index view

show convosation

long post with convosations

fetch more can show unfollowing user's post with the tag;

curl -i -X PUT -d "user[email]=exuser5@mail.com" --header "Authorization: Token token=bwBmIbJwjFwRBkS4NyfHmhAzQSaB3gwGV+S+fTiMJ7MQ5IYvZry7+TGsXmsxE+8+plc6iE3oUaBelWMaFfKcgA==, name=ExUser-5" http://localhost:3000//api/v1/users/6

curl -i -X PUT -d "user[email]=fadeuser@mail.com" --header "Authorization: Token token=validtoken, name=ExUser-5" http://localhost:3000//api/v1/users/6