These are some of my initial R understanding notes, might be useful, might be another dump of basics. I’m not sure how this will turn out, the time you see this repo.
IMHO, org-mode and R is match made in Heaven! As it opens up endless possibility.
I use NixOS, so having flake for specified channels is good and also let it manage all packages and libraries! Benefit of using flake here is, you will have the same exact (100%) setup like I have, same versions of everything. That is what flake.lock is for.
- Development shell with mentioned packages via flakes
# option 1: with no cloning of repo
nix develop "github:idlip/r-code"
# option 2: inside local clone directory
nix develop
- TODO: Will make use of direnv too
- TODO: Make use of literate org file for R learning with good documentation and index it in this readme.