
A simple clinic data fetch

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple clinic data search

Build StatusCoverage Status Maintainability


  1. Nodejs
  2. Express
  3. Babel
  4. Eslint and airbnb style guide
  5. mocha

Visit App Here Visit Url for search Here Visit Swagger doc Here

Functionality Http Request Api endpoints
Search Clinic GET /api/v1/clinic

Where deployed locally, make a get request to /api/v1/clinic


  • The app uses absolute imports.
  • The app also uses global exception error handling.
  • All logic exceptions are thrown in service files(good practive for easy maintanance).

Setup Project

To setup project

  • clone project git clone https://github.com/idmega2000/clinicapi.git and cd into the folder
  • run npm install
  • set up the environment variable copy and update frome envsample
  • start the app on dev with npm run dev

Clinic Search request Parameters

  • Name [ex: "Mayo Clinic" or "ayo"]
  • State [ex: "CA" or "California"]
  • AvailabileFrom [ex: from:09:00]
  • AvailabileTo [ex: 16:00]
  • pageNumber [ex: 2]
  • pageLimit [ex: 10]

Clinic search Response

Below is a sample of the search sample response

    "name": "Mayo Clinic",
    "stateName": "Florida",
    "stateCode": "FL",
    "availability": {
        "from": "09:00",
        "to": "20:00"
    "clinicType": "Dental"

name: The name of the clinic stateName: the state name the clinic is stateCode: the state code availability is the time the clinic is available clinicType is the type of clinic [ex Dental or Vetenary]

Running the tests

​Test was writting with mocha, chai and sinon(for external api mocking) After setting up the project you should run the command below to run the test

  • npm run test

Development notes

ES6 is used for the devoplopment Javascript Classes are used entirely in this project with name of class same as name of File

  • Parrallel api fetching for fetching the clinic data
  • only one of the gotten data is looped while accessinf the other in the loop
  • Care is taken not to loop the state array data at every search so it is packed in a object(for better search)
  • Much attention was taken into reducing the amount of looping.