Updated to meet ArduinoJSON v6
This is an ESP8266 based project to monitor the temperature and humidity in your house / rooms. The sensor publishes the data to an MQTT topic. Deep sleep is used, not to distort the meassurements of the sensor I use Home Asssistant to display the results.
- ESP8266 with deep sleep
- easy configuration window
- MQTT publish
- supports BME280 sensor
- home assistant integration included
Connecting the BME280 Sensor: Sensor -> Board
- Vin (Voltage In) -> 3.3V
- Gnd (Ground) -> Gnd
- SDA (Serial Data) -> D2 on ESP8266
- SCK (Serial Clock) -> D1 on ESP8266
Board -> Board
- 0/GPIO16 - RST (wake-up purpose)
Layout for NodeMCU
To do:
- include DHT22 sensor
- include BME 180 sensor
Home assistant template
- platform: mqtt
- state_topic: 'SENSORTOPIC'
- name: 'NameTemperature'
- unit_of_measurement: '°C'
- value_template: '{{ value_json.temperature }}'
- platform: mqtt
- state_topic: 'SENSORTOPIC'
- name: 'NameHumidity'
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- value_template: '{{ value_json.humidity }}'
- platform: mqtt
- state_topic: 'SENSORTOPIC'
- name: 'NamePressure'
- unit_of_measurement: 'hPa'
- value_template: '{{ value_json.pressure }}'
UI Cards (Lovelace)
Simple card
- entity: sensor.temperature
- entity: sensor.humidity
- entity: sensor.pressure
show_header_toggle: false
theme: default
title: BME280
type: entities
Graph Card
- sensor.temperature
- sensor.humidity
- sensor.pressure
hours_to_show: 24
title: Temps
type: history-graph