
SQLite ORM for Android. Simple and easy-to-use.

Primary LanguageJava


###SQLite ORM for Android. Simple and easy-to-use.


###1. Add a dependency to your build.gradle file

compile 'com.simplite:simplite-orm:0.9.4'

###2. Create an Entity class

  • Add inheritance from the DBObject class
  • Add fields
  • For each field, create getters and setters
    • The get;set methods must named accordingly to the fields names
      • For exmaple, if you have firstName field, you'll have a getFirstName getter and a setFirstName setter
  • Add @Entity annotation to your class (MUST)
    @Entity(tableName = "my_cool_entity_table_name")
    public class MyCoolEntity extends DBObject
  • Add @PrimaryKey to your primary key field (MUST)
    @PrimaryKey(columnName = "my_pk_column_name")
    private String id;
  • Add Other columns annotations (See the full explanation below)
    • Column - a regular column - int age
    • ForeignKey - when the field is an instance of other entity - Car myCar
    • ForeignKeyArray - when the field is an ArrayList of instances of other entity - ArrayList<Car> myCars

###3. Add meta-data to your manifest

Name Type Value Default value

#####DATABASE_NAME Your database file name

<meta-data android:name="DATABASE_NAME" android:value="<DATABASE_NAME>" />


<meta-data android:name="DATABASE_NAME" android:value="my_great_db" />

#####DATABASE_VERSION Changing this value will cause database upgrade. When onUpgrade method called, all tables will drop (DROP TABLE) and recreates in onCreate. ALL OF YOUR DATA WILL GET LOST (See CONFIG_CLASS).

<meta-data android:name="DATABASE_VERSION" android:value="<DATABASE_VERSION>" />


<meta-data android:name="DATABASE_VERSION" android:value="6" />

#####CONFIG_CLASS You MUST specify the FULL name, including all packages. The configuration class MUST implement the SimpLiteConfiguration interface. It has beforeOnCreate, afterOnCreate ,beforeOnUpgrade, afterOnUpgrade. For saving your data during upgrade, hold it on beforeOnUpgrade, and insert it on afterOnCreate.

<meta-data android:name="CONFIG_CLASS" android:value="<FULL_CLASS_NAME>" />


<meta-data android:name="CONFIG_CLASS" android:value="com.simplite.example.utils.LocalDBConfiguration" />

#####ENTITIES_CLASSES_NAME The FULL (include all packages) name of each class that represent an entity (table in the database). An Entity MUST extend from DBObject class. The entities should separate with a coma

<meta-data android:name="ENTITIES_CLASSES_NAME" android:value="com.simplite.example.entities.EntityOne,
            com.simplite.example.entities.EntityTwo,com.simplite.example.entities.EntityThree" />

###Annotations Usage

#####@Entity ######For a class that represents an entity (table) in the database

Method Expected Value
tableName The name of the table that this entity represents

#####@PrimaryKey ######For a field that is a primary key in its table.

Method Expected Value
columnName The name of the column
options Options to add to the column, like AUTOINCREMENT or UNIQUE

#####@Column ######For any field that is a regular column - not primary or foreign key

Method Expected Value
name The name of the column
options Options to add to the column, like AUTOINCREMENT or UNIQUE

#####@ForeignKey ######For any field that is an instance of other entity

Method Expected Value
valueColumnName The name of the column in the current table
fkColumnName The name of the column in the foreign table
entityClass The foreign entity class
options Options to add to the column, like AUTOINCREMENT or UNIQUE

#####@ForeignKeyArray ######For any field that is an ArrayList of instances of other entity

Method Expected Value
valueColumnName The name of the column in the current table
fkColumnName The name of the column in the foreign table
entityClass The foreign entity class
options Options to add to the column, like AUTOINCREMENT or UNIQUE


Person person = new Person(context);








  • findAll
  • findAllByColumn
  • findOne
  • findById
  • query
  • rawQuery
  • count
  • countByColumn
  • getAverageByColumn

#####CRUD in background Each CRUD method have another method that called [methodName]+"InBackground"(For example: createInBackground), that execute the original method in an AsyncTask.

###SQL helpers Return string that is a CREATE TABLE command for a class.


Return string that is an INSERT command for a class instance, including the current fields values.


Return string that is an UPDATE command for a class instance, including the current fields values.


###Please feel more than FREE to contact me and give a feedback, i want to improve the library and make it better for you. ###ido.movieditor@gmail.com