
A collection of functions aimed at interfacing R and blast+ suite.

Primary LanguageR


A collection of functions aimed at interfacing R and blast+ suite. The tidyverse package should be loaded first as the functions use some tidyverse packages as dependencies


The make_blast_db function

The make_blast_d1b function is a wrapper for the makeblastdb function from BLAST+. It will generate all the files required for a BLAST database. The infile argument should specify the path to a fasta file containing all the sequences to be included in the database. The outfile argument should specify the names of all the database files to be generated. All database files will carry the same name but will differ in extension.

make_blast_db(infile = "PATH/TO/FILE.FASTA",outfile="my_out_file")

The blstinr function

The btype argument specifies which blast type would be used, the default is blastn. The numt arguments specifies the number of threads to be used, only work with UNIX based OS, default value is 1.

blastinr(btype = "blastn", dbase = "PATH/TO/DATABASE/FILES", 

The retrive_hit_seqs function

Plotting taxonomy or annotations