
A shell from CCNS to experiment weird ideas like hell.

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A shell from CCNS to experiment weird ideas like hell.


After cloning and changing directory into the repository,

$ make
$ ./ccnshell


Line editing and history is provided by linenoise. The project license follows it as well.

CCNShell currently can:

  • Execute binaries from /usr/bin/
  • Take arguments
  • Execute shell script by entring ../../home/USER_NAME/path/to/your/script
    • Script should have #! annotating which shell binary to use at the first line

CCNShell currently can not:

  • Pass any environment variable
  • Trim trailing spaces

Need futher code refactoring to separate shell logic from linenoise.


  • Add very-easy-to-use shell script
  • Infrastructures to test concurrent programs or IPC
  • Any coool stuff!
  • RIIR. Rewrite at the first day? Why not? It's cool.