
The game participating "STOP WAITING FOR GODOT" Game Jam (https://itch.io/jam/stop-waiting-for-godot). Pie De Way means lining up in Traditional Chinese. It's the direct pronunciation translation from 「排隊」. You play as a dumb ass lining up for......?!

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Play it here: https://idoleat.itch.io/pie-de-way

This game is developed for StopWaitingForGodot game jam. Pie De Way means lining up in Traditional Chinese. It's the direct pronunciation translation from 「排隊」. You play as a dumb ass lining up for......?!

It's a lining up simulator. You can just lining up or try to do something else (interesting) while lining up. Feel free to tell us how many interesting stuff/Easter eggs you have found! (I thing you may need explanations of some of them :D)

p.s. We haven't dealt with localization yet, so just enjoy the beautiful traditional Chinese at every ending! (of course you can ask in the comment, we will reply!

Still in development! Still many godotfied NPCs to be added to lining up with you! And more ending to come!
