
A Haskell library for ASN.1 PER encoding and decoding

Primary LanguageHaskell



\lstdefinelanguage{ASN1} {

\lstdefinelanguage{shell} {


\title{Haskell Cryptographic Library 3.0.3}
\author{Dominic Steinitz}



{Haskell Cryptographic Library 3.0.3}
collects together existing Haskell cryptographic
functions into one cabalized package, together with HUnit tests,
QuickCheck property tests, examples showing how to interwork with
other cryptographic implementations and examples showing how to 
handle other ASN.1 definitions.

This release contains:
\item DES
\item Blowfish
\item AES
\item Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
\item PKCS\#5 and nulls padding
\item SHA-1
\item MD5
\item RSA
\item OAEP-based encryption (Bellare-Rogaway)
\item PKCS\#1v1.5 signature scheme
\item ASN.1
\item PKCS\#8
\item X.509 Identity Certificates
\item X.509 Attribute Certificates

Haddock documentation for the library is available

\section{System Requirements}

The code has been tested on GHC 6.4.
It does not currently work with Hugs or NHC. 
It requires the use of
{{\tt NewBinary.Binary}}
This uses an old version of cabal and you will need to download 
in order to build and install it.

\section{Installation Instructions}

Get the sources:

darcs get --tag "3.0.3" http://www.haskell.org/crypto/src

Build and install ready for testing:

ghc -o Setup Setup.hs -package Cabal
./Setup configure --prefix=/my/chosen/dir
./Setup build
./Setup install --user

Run the tests.

cd /my/chosen/dir/bin

You can now run the examples to confirm further that everything
is working satisfactorily.
When you are happy, build and install them in
their final destination:

./Setup unregister --user
./Setup clean
./Setup configure
./Setup build
./Setup install

\section{Asymmetric Encryption and Digital Signing}


First of all, create a self-signed (identity) certificate and private key.
Be careful as not all OIDs are supported (although they are easy to add).

openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -outform PEM -out cert.pem \
-keyout key.pem -days 365 -subj "/C=UK/L=Tooting/CN=Dan"

Copy the certificate and save it
using the
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format.

openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in cert.pem \
-out cert.der

Extract the public key from the certificate.

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -pubkey -noout > pubkey.pem

Copy the private key and store it using DER.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in key.pem \
-nocrypt -out key.der

The private key is produced in PKCS\#8 format.
You can look at it with Peter Gutmann's ASN.1 
{object dump program}
if required. 
The private key is unencrypted. Storing private keys in clear 
is not good security practice. The current implementation does not support 
encrypted private keys but this should be straightforward to add.

Run the examples to examine your private and public keys.

PKCS8Example key.der
X509Example cert.der

\subsection{Attribute Certificates}

provides facilities for generating attribute certificates using
{Attribute Certicate Manager}

Run the example to examine your certificate.

AttributeCertificate attCert.der


Run the example to encrypt using Haskell and decrypt using openssl. Note
that only OAEP is supported currently. This is not the default for openssl
so you must remember to add the correct option.

echo plaintext > plaintext

RSAEncryptionExample --cert=cert.der --plain=plaintext \

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey key.pem -in ciphertext \ 
-out unciphertext -oaep

\subsection{Signing and Verification}

Signing is more complicated than encryption so it is best to check
that you are using signatures correctly before using the library.

You can sign a "small" amount of data with 
\begin{tt}openssl rsautl\end{tt}.
Doing this with more data than allowed by the encryption algorithm
will result in error messages. It's important to understand
that this operation signs the raw data and does not digest it
beforehand. However, the operation does apply the padding algorithm
described in the
{PKCS \#1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard}
and in
{PKCS \#1: RSA Encryption Standard: An RSA Laboratories Technical Note 
Version 1.5 Revised November 1, 1993}
. This prepends the data to be signed with 
\begin{tt}00 01 ff \ldots ff 00\end{tt} as can be seen below.

echo small > small.txt

openssl rsautl -in small.txt -inkey key.pem -sign -out small.sgn

openssl rsautl -verify -in small.sgn -inkey pubkey.pem -pubin \
-hexdump -raw

0000 - 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0010 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0020 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0030 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0040 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0050 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0060 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0070 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff 00 73 6d 61 6c 6c 0a   ..........small.

You can sign larger amounts of data with 
\begin{tt}openssl dgst\end{tt}.
In contrast to 
\begin{tt}openssl rsautl\end{tt}
this digests
the data, encodes the digest in

DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
   digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithm,
   digest OCTET STRING

as DER and then encrypts it with the the private key.
Again, this DER is prepended with 
\begin{tt}00 01 ff \ldots ff 00\end{tt} as can be seen below.

openssl dgst -sha1 -sign key.pem -out ReadMe.sgn ReadMe.tex

openssl rsautl -verify -in ReadMe.sgn -inkey pubkey.pem -pubin \
-hexdump -raw

0000 - 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0010 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0020 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0030 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0040 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0050 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff 00 30 21 30   .............0!0
0060 - 09 06 05 2b 0e 03 02 1a-05 00 04 14 90 d0 00 b2   ...+............
0070 - f6 b3 d7 2f 2c ab e7 40-6a 75 89 7c bb 56 54 19   .../,..@ju.|.VT.

The ASN.1 can be parsed using the following command.

openssl rsautl -in ReadMe.sgn -verify -asn1parse \
-inkey pubkey.pem -pubin

 0:d=0  hl=2 l=  33 cons: SEQUENCE
 2:d=1  hl=2 l=   9 cons:  SEQUENCE
 4:d=2  hl=2 l=   5 prim:   OBJECT            :sha1
11:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
13:d=1  hl=2 l=  20 prim:  OCTET STRING
0000 - 90 d0 00 b2 f6 b3 d7 2f-2c ab e7 40 6a 75 89 7c   ......./,..@ju.|
0010 - bb 56 54 19                                       .VT.

As a final verification, compare the parsed digest against a digest
of the plaintext file.

openssl dgst -sha1 ReadMe.tex
SHA1(ReadMe.tex)= 90d000b2f6b3d72f2cabe7406a75897cbb565419

sha1sum ReadMe.tex
90d000b2f6b3d72f2cabe7406a75897cbb565419  ReadMe.tex

Now that you have confirmed that signatures are working satisfactorily,
you can verify one using the Haskell example.

RSAVerifyExample -ecert.der -pReadMe.tex -sReadMe.sgn

AlgorithmIdentifier {algorithm1 = OID [1,3,14,3,2,26], parameters1 = Nothing}
Given digest:      OctetString [144,208,0,178,246,179,215,47,44, \
Calculated digest: OctetString [144,208,0,178,246,179,215,47,44,171, \

\section{ASN.1 Support}

The package contains some enough general ASN.1 support to decode PKCS\#8 and
X.509 identity and attribute certificates encoded using BER. See the examples that
are provided with the package: \begin{tt}X509Example\end{tt},
\begin{tt}PKCS8Example\end{tt}, and \begin{tt}AttributeCertificate\end{tt}.

Here's a further example.

Suppose you have an ASN.1 module and have checked that it conforms to
the standard using, for example, 
the on-line tool, 
\footnote{Definitions using ANY DEFINED BY have to be checked with -1990.}
\footnote{Asnp was developed in Objective Caml.}

FooBar {1 2 0 0 6 1} DEFINITIONS ::= 
      Journey ::= SEQUENCE {
         origin IA5String,
         stop1 [0] IA5String OPTIONAL,
         stop2 [1] IA5String OPTIONAL,
         destination IA5String
      Odyssey ::= SEQUENCE {
         start Journey,
         trip1 [0] Journey OPTIONAL,
         trip2 [1] Journey OPTIONAL,
         trip3 [2] Journey OPTIONAL,
         end Journey

Create abstract Haskell representations of the ASN.1 types.

journey =
   "Journey" ::=
      AbsSeq Universal 16 Implicit [
         Regular  (Just "origin"       :>: 
            (Nothing  :@: absIA5String)),
         Optional (Just "stop1"        :>: 
            (Just 0   :@: absIA5String)),
         Optional (Just "stop2"        :>: 
            (Just 1   :@: absIA5String)),
         Regular  (Just "destination"  :>: 
            (Nothing  :@: absIA5String))

odyssey =
   "Odyssey" ::=
      AbsSeq Universal 16 Implicit [
         Regular  (Just "start"       :>: (Nothing  :@: journey)),
         Optional (Just "trip1"       :>: (Just 0   :@: journey)),
         Optional (Just "trip2"       :>: (Just 1   :@: journey)),
         Optional (Just "trip3"       :>: (Just 2   :@: journey)),
         Regular  (Just "end"         :>: (Nothing  :@: journey))

Then you can check that (abstract representations of) BER values conform
to these types.

module Main(main) where

import Codec.ASN1.BER
import Codec.ASN1

-- Other definitions

main = 
   do (w,y) <- typeCheck odyssey berValue
      putStrLn (show w)

Now suppose that the BER value conforms to the ASN.1 type and that
you wish to manipulate the various values in the encoding. First
create some Haskell types to hold the decoded values.

data Journey =
   Journey {
      origin :: IA5String,
      stop1 :: Maybe IA5String,
      stop2 :: Maybe IA5String,
      destination :: IA5String
   deriving (Eq,Show)

data Odyssey =
   Odyssey {
      start :: Journey,
      trip1 :: Maybe Journey,
      trip2 :: Maybe Journey,
      trip3 :: Maybe Journey,
      end   :: Journey
   deriving (Eq,Show)

Then make them instances of the class {\begin{tt}Encode\end{tt}}.


instance Encode Journey where
   decode a b =
      do x <- b
         let as = absSeqComponents a
             bs  = encodedDefComps x
         return $
            Journey {
               origin      = fromJust (decode (as!!0) (bs!!0)),
               stop1       = do decode (as!!1) (bs!!1),
               stop2       = do decode (as!!2) (bs!!2),
               destination = fromJust (decode (as!!3) (bs!!3))

instance Encode Odyssey where
   decode a b =
      do x <- b
         let as = absSeqComponents a
             bs  = encodedDefComps x
         return $
            Odyssey {
               start  = fromJust (decode (as!!0) (bs!!0)),
               trip1  = do decode (as!!1) (bs!!1),
               trip2  = do decode (as!!2) (bs!!2),
               trip3  = do decode (as!!3) (bs!!3),
               end    = fromJust (decode (as!!4) (bs!!4))


Finally, you can extract values from the decoded value.

module Main(main) where

import Codec.ASN1.BER
import Codec.ASN1

-- Other definitions

main = 
   do (w,y) <- typeCheck odyssey berValue
      let (_ ::= c) = w
          d         = decode c (Just y)
          (Just x)  = d
      putStrLn . show . start $ x

Further examples can be found in {\tt BERTest.hs}

\section{To Do}

In no particular order:

Read and generate PKCS12 private keys so that it is easy to inter-work 
with other RSA implementations.
Incorporate other symmetric key algorithms already coded in Haskell.
Performance analysis as Blowfish ought to run more quickly than DES.
Other modes / padding schemes.
Fix the known issue  with ASN.1 CHOICE types where an error in one
of the choices will give an error message which indicates that no valid
choice was found. It would be better to report an error indicating the
problem in choice.
Although support for
{\begin{tt}ANY DEFINED BY\end{tt}} has been improved, it and its replacement
in later versions of the ASN.1 standards need yet further improvement.
In particular, replace the index
number by a label and do not treat as equivalent to {\tt OPTIONAL} or
{\tt DEFAULT}.
Extend typechecking to ensure that only the appropriate key sizes are used
for a given algorithm.
Although some 
ASN.1 definitions have been put into more appropriate modules, more work
needs to be done, for example,
{\tt AlgorithmIdentifier}.
Check lengths for correctness when decoding BER. See the Codec.ASN1.TLV
source for more on this.
Improve the error messages when checking a BER encoding against its ASN.1
specification. Currently the messages say what has failed but does not
give the context.


All questions, comments, bug reports, flames, requests for 
updates / changes and suggestions should be directed to Dominic Steinitz.


The modules in the library come from different authors and have been 
released under different licences. 


Codec.ASN1 & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.ASN1.BER & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.ASN1.PKCS8 & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.ASN1.PKCS1v15 & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.ASN1.TLV & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.ASN1.X509 & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\

Codec.Binary.Base64 & Warrick Gray & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\

Codec.Text.Raw & Dominic Steinitz & 
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\

Codec.Encryption.AES & Lukasz Anforowicz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.AESAux & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.Blowfish & Doug Hoyte &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.BlowfishAux & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.DES & Ian Lynagh &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.DESAux & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.Modes & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.Padding & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.RSA & David Sankel &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & GPL \\
Codec.Encryption.RSA.EMEOAEP & David Sankel &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & GPL \\
Codec.Encryption.RSA.MGF & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Codec.Encryption.RSA.NumberTheory & David Sankel &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & GPL \\

Codec.Utils & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\

Data.Digest.MD5 & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Data.Digest.MD5Aux & Ian Lynagh &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Data.Digest.SHA1 & Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
Data.Digest.SHA1Aux & Ian Lynagh &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\

& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\

\subsubsection{Tests and Examples}
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2005, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\
& Dominic Steinitz &
Copyright \copyright\ 2006, All rights reserved & BSD \\

\subsection{The BSD License}

This license is based on
{The BSD License}

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote 
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors ``AS IS'' 
and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, 
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular 
purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright onwers or
contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits;
or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,
whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software,
even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

\subsection{The GNU General Public License (GPL)}

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You can find a copy of
the GNU General Public License 
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, 
Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Cryptography is a notoriously easy area in which to make mistakes, 
not necessarily with the algorithms but with how they are implemented 
(for example not protecting keys, using weak keys and so on). 
For a readable account of some of the pitfalls, see 
{Ross Anderson}
's book.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors ``AS IS'' 
and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, 
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular 
purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright onwers or
contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits;
or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,
whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software,
even if advised of the possibility of such damage.


Doug Hoyte (HardCore SoftWare)
   {Ian Lynagh}
   {David Sankel}
{Ross Paterson}
Lukasz Anforowicz
{Warrick Gray}

This document was last updated on 1st April 2006.
\copyright\ 2006 Dominic Steinitz. 
