
To show how Sentry works in an example Rails app This app demonstrates how to include and configure Sentry-Raven into a Ruby on Rails application.


To show how Sentry works in an example web app that uses Rails

  • integrate the Sentry SDK into Rails
  • trigger error that gets sent as event to
  • checkout_controller.rb has multiple endpoints for showing different ways that errors are handled
  • Sentry Release cycle covered in Makefile

Initial Setup & Run

  1. Install Ruby version 2.3.3p222 and Rails version 5.1.7

  2. install gems

bundle install
  1. Set the DSN in application.rb
Raven.configure do |config|
  config.dsn = 'https://*******'
  1. Configure sentry-cli (is for creating Sentry releases) with your SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN in Makefile or run export SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=<your_auth_token>. Do the same for SENTRY_ORG and SENTRY_PROJECT
  2. Check your Github repo is integrated into your Sentry organization.
  3. run make, which (Makefile) creates a Sentry release and runs Rails
  4. make deploy and go to localhost:3001/handled


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Notes on routing errors

By default raven-ruby ignores ActionController::RoutingError. For the purpose of demonstrating the Undefined Route Error, config.excluded_exceptions = [] was added to the Raven config in application.rb. This configuration changes the default behavior to allow routing errors to appear in Sentry.

More installation details here: